Mel Gibson: Raped by a Pack of Niggers?

Eminem, Usher Clockwork Orange

37,460 rapes of White Women by black men in 2005 — Black women raped by White men — 0!

Is there a universal standard of physical beauty? Is it ‘White?!’

Why do feminist activists in the Black community scorn some Black women’s desire to bleach their skin, reduce the size of their nose, and buy hair extensions? Because it represents the internalization of the aspiration to be more acceptable by white standards, the very standard that had them exploited and subjugated for centuries.

This “standard” varies from culture to culture. The reason everyone blames the media is because it projects a standard of beauty only favoring certain kinds of people, and the standards it projects are unrealistic for everyday people. Not everyone can, or wants to look like Angelina Jolie.

The media has brainwashed today’s Americans into believing what THEY want you to believe. Whether it be politics, what to buy, or what to wear or who to RAPE.

Click here to listen to Mel Gibson’s raped by a pack of niggers phone call.

23 Replies to “Mel Gibson: Raped by a Pack of Niggers?”

  1. Derek is trying to confirm is alpha male status through territorial pissings. Can’t you see it’s not about race anymore? It’s about gender. Take the red pill Derek. Go your own way. Escape the feminist matrix.

  2. White people were living in caves while blacks were living in advanced civilizations in Africa? That is hilarious. Maybe in parts of northern Africa such as Egypt there was some enlightenment, but Egyptians weren’t the nappy headed boot-lipped chimps of sub-Sahara Africa where true niggers come from (and where no written language has ever been invented). The ancient Egyptians who built the great pyramids were more like modern-day Arabs, which are much closer to white people than the cannibals from the Congo (aka niggers) who were living in mud huts and eating dung beetles. In fact, the Egyptians of northern Africa enslaved the niggers of sub-Sahara Africa, and cut off their balls to make eunuchs. Some of the yard apes on this post really need to go back to remedial history class. Even if it were true that blacks once ran mighty civilizations in Africa while whites were still crawling around in caves, all the more shame on blacks for letting the whites advance so far ahead of them. The reason no white men ever rape black women (even though black men rape white women all the time) is because white women are celestial luminous goddesses, and compared to white ladies…black sows look basic as fuck.

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