
Illuminai Seal Patriot


Before It’s News


Free Patriot

Martial Law USA

Political Velcraft

Veteran’s Today

We Are Change


“God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) This is not just a vision.
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
― Mark Twain

19 Replies to “Patriots”

  1. Person to PersonThe only way to rid our nation of OB and Communist, Socialist, Godless, and so forth is to put more boots on the gonurd ! – That requires 10 s of thousands of individuals to WALK their wards and precincts and Talk to people with the facts Person to person contact has a much greater impact than all of the political ads put together The vast majority of people DO NOT TRUST ANY INDIVIDUALS RUNNING FOR POLITICAL OFFICE and/or already elected Fifteen to 60 second ads say nothing after the 1st two times, then they become boaring! HOWEVER, Most people will trust and/or at least listen to their neighbors, the common man Many years ago, (45), I was a Precinct Captain in an area that was primarialy Democratic I walked my entire district, which was 80+ % Dem’s It voted 65% Rep. – (Unfortunatly I was the only Precinct that had person to person contact – So we lost) Two boots have a hard time winning Moral Take Part

  2. so be it, threaten no more, to secure peace is to prepare for WAR with 15 boneheads born every year….there can’t be more than 5 or 6 hundred of them and 300 million of us

    PATRIOTS…sell your cloak and print a sword…..

  3. Tell of His Wonders

    Psalm 105:14 He let no man oppress them; He rebuked kings on their behalf: 15“Do not touch My anointed ones! Do no harm to My prophets!” 16He called down famine on the land and cut off all their supplies of food.…

  4. the militia needs General Oscar Jackson, Paris, he commands most of the panthers….i only command a small handful here in east van little africa

    THE rest of the PANTHERS

    are behind you Jake, leader of the resistance

  5. The Canadian militia has a secret handshake my friend knows

    Print it

    Bury it

    Praying you never have to use it

    Get a bag of psalm 150 organic heirloom seeds and start a garden

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