The Richest Man in Babylon

What do we know about this wicked man?


He runs a thievery corporation, he is red, he is illumined/enlightened by a faulty light bulb.

Paris Son Prophecy

The enemy of my enemy is my friend…New Babylon falling as we speak
Russia and the Slavs are America’s arch enemy…so are the Africans
The only girl i ever loved is part African.


A thousand friends are few; one enemy is too many.
(Russian Proverb)

Red1 the 9/11 Prophet

The Rascalz are a Canadian hip-hop group that prophecied the coming judgement on the WTC 2 year before 9/11.

WTC 9/11 Judgement Rascalz

Listen to Red1 during minute 1:18

Deep in the Babylon, def gone won watch them run
The heart is wicked and judgment soon come

Then it shows a picture of the WTC. The Rastaman chanted down Babylon in 1999.