The 666 Hand Sign

Baphomet Devil Hand Sign 666

“OK” (A-ok) Hand Sign is 666???


The “a-ok” hand sign commonly signifies approbation or appreciation. Like many other signs, it has a deeper, darker meaning in occult circles. Widely unnoticed, the hand sign is flashed by many major artists of the music industry. What does it really signify? We’ll look at the occult meaning of a-ok and recent artists who have used it.

A Ok Hand sign: Sign of the Occult Music Industry?

We all know about the “devil’s horn” hand sign popularized by rock groups. Not many however realize that the “a-ok” sign, flashed as if it was a gang sign (well it is used by gangs but that’s not the topic here), has another meaning than simply “this is OK“. Due to the context of its usage, and often combined with other occult symbols, the a-ok seems to be is a sign of occult initiation in the music industry. They say a “picture is worth a thousand words” so I’ll let the pictures do the talking .
What Does the “A-Ok” Sign Mean?

Hand signs have different meanings when found in different cultures. In America and most of Europe, the a-ok is used to signify approbation, satisfaction or excellence. In other countries, it is often considered obscene or a reference to the a-hole. It however carries a deeper meaning when one looks into occult symbolism.

“Westerner’s know it as the “okay” (or “OK”) sign. It’s done with the fingers and thumb of right or left hands (usually the right). Simply touch the index finger to the thumb, creating a circle. The other three fingers then spiral off and there you have it—the well-known symbol for OK. Universally, this sign means alright, acceptable, good, right-on, you bet!, A-OK, satisfactory…

But to occultists, the OK sign takes on darker significance. First, we have the circle, indicating the sun deity and the Mason’s never-ending quest for more light. To Freemasonry, the circle also represents the female genitalia, or yoni. In the Hindu religion, the OK sign is a revered mudra (sacred gesture) meaning “infinity” or perfection. It is associated with the female genitalia — thumb and forefinger pressed together at the tips with the other three fingers extended.

In the practice of tantric yoga (sex rituals), the OK sign is a token of ecstasy, spiritual and physical. In ancient Sumeria and Persia, charms and amulets have been discovered of fingers and hands in the modern OK position, joined along with horns implying fertility. The three fingers extended outward are symbolic of ecstatic union with the Goddess, the third member of the pagan trinity.

In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity — horned God, Goddess, and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent three fingers are shaped as three number six’s, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots), and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Oh what a web of evil wicked men can weave around something seemingly so ordinary and mundane.

In the Illuminist philosophy, the OK sign becomes a sign indicating approval of the Divine King, their coming Lord of Light, whom we as Christians know as antichrist. To them it means, “He approves our undertaking.” This meaning is roughly equivalent to the words in Latin atop the all-seeing eye of Osiris on our U.S. one dollar bill—Annuit Coeptus”

– Texe Marrs, Codex Magica

40 Replies to “The 666 Hand Sign”

  1. I was looking around for this information, it is really clarified well, i loved the illustration, I’m a muslim and i believe that we all christians and jews should unite and fight back

  2. *sigh* tisk tisk tisk
    you ppl who have commented have it all wrong. i’m not an expert satanist but i know a shit load more than you stupid mother fucking ppl. all other religons are based off of satanism. the “churchs god” is a fake god ment to trick all you poor saps. father satan is the true creater of man and earth.befor when i was a christan along with my family i always prayed. none where ever answered. when i found satanism my life changed for the good. when ever i ask father satan to help me he always finds a way to help whether he comes and guides me or if he sends one of his fellow demons (the origanal gods) to help. either way he’s always there. anywho if anyone wishes to know more about the true satanism then go to this website and it will explain everything.


  3. @miss.satanist you’re an idiot. You’ll burn in hell and see how ‘Satan’ loves you now. Did I mention he’s selfish and doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself!? Yeah you’ll find out sooner or later dumb broad.

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