Famous Freemasons: Sammy Davis Jr.

Sammy Davis Jr. Knight of Malta

Sammy Davis Jr. is famous for being a member of the Church of Satan. Interestingly enough long after Sammy Davis JR renounced his Satanic worship, he was accepted into the Knights of Malta.

The York Rite

In North America, after completing the three basic ‘blue’ or Craft degrees, a mason can broadly take one of two paths -or both if time and finance allows. One is the York Rite, the other is the Ancient and Accepted or Scottish Rite -the equivalent to England’s ‘Rose Croix’. We are concerned here with the York Rite.

The York Rite comprises three broad groups after the basic Craft degrees. The first is the Royal Arch Chapter and consists of, in ascending order: Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Holy Royal Arch Mason. The next group is the Cryptic or Royal and Select Masters. This starts with Royal Master, then moves on to Select Master and finally Super Excellent Master -which is the 10th degree in the York Rite.

The crowning glory of the York Rite is the group known as the Commandery of Knights Templar. This starts with the Order of the Red Cross, moves on to the Order of the Knights of Malta, then Order of the Knight Templar Commandery. Once you are a Knight Templar, you gain entrance to the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine -if you have the right connections.

Beyonce’s Ram’s Head Ring

Beyonce Ram's Head Ring

So it turns out Beyonce’s ring is not a Baphomet ring but a Ram’s head ring. I go this message from the jewelry company that gave her the ring:

Hi, We are the jewellery co that gave Beyonce that ring and there is nothing sinister about it at all. It is a rams head covered in black saphires on red gold. Beyonce never asked for it to be made we simply gave it to her as a present for her UK tour.

Hope that clears that up.

Comment by Br Republic — April 26, 2010 @ 3:07 am

This is what I found regarding Ram’s heads on Google:

One may contend that there is a vast difference between a goat and a ram; but, if you research the subject of witchcraft, you’ll learn that BOTH animals are extremely popular in witchcraft.

Some witches today claim that the goat head is really supposed to be a ram’s head (which originated with the ram-headed god of Ammon in ancient times).

It turns out Beyonce isn’t a serious devil worshipper. There are plenty of people who throw up the goat horns with their hands without really being a serious Luciferian. So why does she make the all seeing eye with her hands? I suspect Beyonce and Jay Z are trying to raise “awareness” that the Illuminati run the world. Celebrities are always trying to raise awareness. If Jay Z is a Freemason he would most likely be a member of Prince Hall. Prince Hall is like B’nai B’rith for blacks. It’s where Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton hatch schemes to stop white supremacy.

The Illuminati is a secret society that hides within Freemasonry. I think the Illuminati have already infiltrated Prince Hall. The Illuminati began infiltrating Masonic lodges in 1776. You are only told that Lucifer is the God of this world when you get into the higher degrees of Masonry. What’s funny about that is, that it is in agreement with the bible which also calls Lucifer the ruler of this world.


Jay Z Illuminati Freemasonry

Award winning UK-based director Sam Brown is the man behind the controversial video for Jay-Z’s “On To The Next One.”The clip’s abstract imagery has fueled rumors of Jay-Z’s involvement in Freemasonry and his alleged association with the Illuminati. Vibe Magazine spoke with Brown about the imagery in the video and he claims that it’s much ado about nothing. Is Jay-Z Down With The Devil? “There is imagery in this video that is drawn from all over the place,” Brown said. “None of it is owned by any one culture or belief system. You can connect anything if you try hard enough, and make it mean anything you want it to.”. Brown goes on to state that Jay did not come up with the imagery himself. “All the imagery was thought up by me and was a response to the track itself. For those interested, the idea is actually about a funeral for old imagery and ideas, hence all the gothic and oppressive stuff,” Brown added. “I was also trying to contradict the excess of hip-hop videos by making something brutally simple and claustrophobic.