More Tron Brainwashing

What did Jesus mean by coming to bring a sword? – Quora
What would happen to Errol Flynn if he were acting today? – Quora

60 Years Ago, Errol Flynn’s Swash Buckling Ways Ended in Vancouver

3 thoughts on “More Tron Brainwashing

  1. What is the plot of The Lazarus Effect?

    Medical researcher Frank (Mark Duplass), his fiancee Zoe (Olivia Wilde) and their team have achieved the impossible: they have found a way to revive the dead. After a successful, but unsanctioned, experiment on a lifeless animal, they are ready to make their work public. However, when their dean learns what they’ve done, he shuts them down. Zoe is killed during an attempt to recreate the experiment, leading Frank to test the process on her. Zoe is revived — but something evil is within her.

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