M.I.A. on Facebook, Google and the Government


“Anybody who is called the government is right. And anybody who isn’t called the government is not right,” she said. “And you know, all governments are connected to Google, and all governments can shift their search engines so only what they want you to see comes up… I want all kids to be aware of this digital circumstance…

“Everyone on the internet is like, ‘Oh my God, come and join Facebook!’ They’re all so optimistic… and really, everyone is fucking you up behind the screens. And I don’t like that. It makes it difficult for me to interact with my fans knowing that. Google and Facebook were developed by the CIA, and when you’re on there, you have to know that.”

— M.I.A.

Charice’s Pyramid Scheme

Charice Pyramid

I saw Charice perform “Pyramid” on the Oprah Winfrey show and I’m convinced this younger generation is not hopeless after all. Youngsters these days are always on the internet where free movies like Loose Change or Zeitgeist are the most viewed. I’ve seen her doing the Illuminati sign with one eye like the dollar bill. Maybe there is hope for the Justin Bieber generation after all.

Chris Martin’s Illuminati Guitar

Chris Martin All Seeing Eye Guitar

Chris Martin’s guitar is inscribed with “No Me Llore” (or “don’t cry for me,” if you will). The tears make the rays of a masonic all seeing eye. His wife is into Kabbalah which is big on the evil eye. Is Chris Martin a closet conspiracy theorist?