Chronicles of Riddick and Yale’s Skull & Bones

Lord Marshal Riddick

Lord Marshal: The Bush Senior of Chronicles of Riddick.

Chronicles of Riddick is the science fiction action movie starring Vin Diesel. The movie features a death cult similar to Yale’s Skull & Bones. The militaristic death cult are known as Necromongers, which translated from Latin means they love or crave death. Yale’s Skull & Bones sigil has this biblical verse on it “All who hate me love death” (Prov 8:36). They are known as Bonesmen, The Order, or the Brotherhood of Death. You can probably tell they are not happy campers.

Bush Skull & Bones

George Bush Senior to the left of the grandfather clock.

It is believed by some that they adopted the numerological symbol 322 because their group was the second chapter of a German organization founded in 1832. It is also rumored that the number 322 is the lodge number of the Illuminati. They might be the second Illuminati lodge or the 322nd. Nobody knows. I personally believe they are not Illuminati but Illuminated Freemasonry. That is, they are automatically initiated into a lodge that is above the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. All the masonic boogeymen are there in Skull & Bones ritual. The death’s head. The coffins. There is also masturbation in the coffin to reveal the neophytes sexual secrets and make them completely subservient to the order.

Illuminati Seal Skull & Bones

The seal of Skull & Bones when layed over the great seal spell MASON.

Taking a look at the Great Seal of the Illuminati you can see why the Bush family is obsessed with the New World Order. The thigh bones point to the letters M A S N. The broken tooth on the skull points to the letter O. MASON.


Lord Marshal’s purifier. Some sort of space age psychiatrist.

The purifier is an interesting character in Riddick. George HW Bush’s secret society runs the American Psychiatric Association through the CIA. Their most notorious psychiatric abuse is the program known as MK-Ultra. George HW Bush is very infamous pedophile and his abuse of children splits the mind into alter personalities that he can control. It’s all very sick, sordid stuff. In Riddick the purifier is there to convert the conquered planet into the culture of death. The American culture. The conquered humans are known as “breeders” since they have large families. Necromongers, like Americans, take in immigrants from conquered nations and assimilate them. The purifier makes these conquered people’s give up their old religions for the new religion: AMERICANA! Apple pie, baseball and Michael Jackson is the new religion for Iraqi immigrants to America. The purifier/psychiatrist assists in assimilation by giving the conquered the “mark” of the necromonger. I’ll get into more about the “mark” later.


A minor character named Tombs.

In Yale’s Skull & Bones the lodge is known as the “tomb”. Another reference to death. The necromongers are searching for the “underverse”, which is similar to Bonesmen looking for the resurrection. Underverse is in fact code word for resurrection. George HW Bush is a holy half dead like Lord Marshal who has seen the resurrection. It is up to his son George W Bush to keep “the faith”.

Bush Kerry

Bush & Kerry: Brothers underneath the skin.

Bush Jr. might seem like an idiot son but he is in fact a very powerful Bonesmen/Necromonger. I think the Vaako character is based on Bush Jr. The heir to Skull & Bones leadership. In times of war Skull & Bones provide leadership to the Illuminati. Skull & Bones oversaw both sides of the conflict between Hitler and Stalin. The 2004 election was rigged by Skull & Bones. So when P Diddy said vote or die now you know why. Diddy should of said vote third party or die. But then again Diddy isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.


Vaako and his scheming wife.

George W Bush’s wife Laura might look like an innocent librarian but she in fact killed her ex boyfriend in a car accident. I think this is what turned George W Bush on most about Laura. Laura likes Dubya cuz he’s a killing machine. 1 million dead Iraqis! GO DUBYA! KILL KILL KILL!

Bush Laura Pope Kiss

All who hate me love death!

Take a look at Dubya and Laura making out like teenagers at the funeral of Pope John Paul II. They are really turned on. I bet Laura’s panties are wet. Laura is kind of hot. I wish I had some glamor pics of her when she was younger. Maybe in some kind of librarian outfit. She’s totally Jake worthy. Hey Laura maybe me and you could get together at the library of congress? What do you think baby? I could find some aborted fetuses to turn you on.

Save us Vin Diesel!

Now Vin Diesel is some sort of messiah character in this film. It is prophesied that a member of his race would stop the Necromongers. But Riddick is a monster. He’s a career criminal that always escapes from jail. He’s the anti-hero that is popular in films nowadays. Dame Judy Dench says he is evil but in times like these evil must be fought with evil.

I don’t know. He was kind of evil in the first Pitch Black movie but he’s not so evil in this one. He should of left the crazy muslim guy and the kid die in the first movie to be truly evil. Anyways Riddick stops the Necromongers. But it’s just a movie. In real life Skull & Bones is as powerful as ever. Even more so now. After 9/11 they realized they could get away with anything. They could irradiate their own troops with depleted uranium. They could ship in tons and tons of heroin from Afghanistan. Nothing is off limits now.

Mark of the Necromonger

Riddick’s woman gets the “mark”.

Now shit hits the fan. Lord Marshal gives Riddick’s girlfriend the mark of the Necromonger. Some sort of microchip in the back of the neck. In real life they want to give us the verichip to keep track of all our monetary transactions. This shit pissed of Vin Diesel alot so he takes a knife and…

Riddick Kill

Riddick stabs Lord Marshal in the head.

Riddick killing Lord Marshal really upsets Vaako’s wife. It’s like Dubya failing to snuff out his pedophile father with a pillow. EPIC FAIL. Why is Dubya so scared of daddy? He’s old and decrepit. A couple minutes with a pillow on the face and HW would meet his maker. But Dubya is a coward so Daddy Bush is gonna die from natural causes. Dubya is an epic coward. He was AWOL from the Vietnam war but never faced charges cuz of Daddy. @georgewbush Do it Dubya! Snuff him out for fucking you in the ass Greek style all those years. Do it bro! You’ll be a hero to Bonesmen all over the world.

Riddick Throne

Watch the throne!

After Riddick kills Lord Marshal he sits on Lord Marshal’s throne and all the necromongers worship him. I’m sure there is a throne in the tomb made entirely of bones. Geronimo’s relatives are suing Skull & Bones for stealing his bones. Sick stuff.


I’m spent

Unauthorized Posting of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Ritual

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Dear Sir or Madam:

We represent the Sorority with respect to her intellectual property matters. AKA, the U.S. first and oldest collegiate Greek lettered Sorority, is a highly-respected, internationally renowned, private non-profit public service sorority. AKA was founded in 1908 and has a membership of over 200,000 African-American, college-educated women, with hundreds of chapters worldwide.

AKA owns numerous trademarks and service marks that are registered with the U.S. Trademark Office for various word and design marks incorporating her Alpha Kappa Alpha brand (“Sorority Marks”). More specifically, a non-exhaustive list of marks that AKA owns include: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (U.S. Reg. No. 3,153,908 ); AKA (U.S. Reg. No. 3,298,147; 3,733,169; 3,694,726; 3,601,432; 3,601,425; 3,601,347; 3,495,918; and 2,094,598; ); Ivy Leaf (U.S. Reg. No. 3,148,749), her shield (U.S. Reg. No. 1,442,550); the combination mark of AKA in the colors pink & green (U.S. Reg. No. 3,694,726) and her founding year 1908 (U.S. Reg. No. 3,653, 283). In addition, the Sorority has federal protection under the Lanham Act for the following marks: Alpha Kappa Alpha, AKA1908, 20 Pearls and others. Please note, we recently enforced our rights against a major U.S. company that was using the combination of our founding year and colors on their goods without our permission. We were also successful in getting a Washington DC nightclub to change its name wherein it deleted the mark “AKA”.

AKA diligently protects her goodwill and reputation associated with her marks. Merchandise, communications and videos bearing the Sorority Marks may be distributed, published and shown through the Sorority’s authorized licensees only. In addition, the Sorority’s policies strictly prohibit its licensees from displaying, showing or performing videos or any other medium over the internet that contain her intellectual property.

It has recently come to our attention that your company is posting its ritual which is a Sorority protected trade secret. The posting can be found using URL

More specifically, the posting consists of a Sorority ritual circa 1977. Please be advised that your company’s unauthorized posting and publication of the Sorority’s Ritual constitutes, among other things, trademark infringement, unfair competition, trademark dilution, trade secret violation and other causes of action under state and federal law. In particular, your posting is likely to cause irreparable harm by disclosing some of the Sorority’s most cherished secrets, which are and should always be, known only to its membership.

We therefore demand that Conspirazzi immediately (1) cease and desist from any further posting or publication of the Sorority’s Ritual and that all references to it be immediately removed from your website and from all other mediums that you enable or allow another to view, post and/or publish such works. We respectfully request your confirmation that you have ceased all further use of the Sorority Marks together with the complete accounting demanded above by no later than September 2, 2011.

We trust that you will govern yourself accordingly. This letter does not constitute an exhaustive statement of the Sorority’s position, nor does it constitute a waiver or limitation of any of the Sorority’s legal or equitable rights, all of which are expressly reserved. In addition, the Sorority has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of above was not authorized by it, its agent, or the law.

Further, the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am authorized to act on behalf of the Sorority.

Alpha Kappa Alpha

John S. Kendall, Esq.

cc: Ms. Carolyn House Stewart, Esq., President
Ms. Deborah Dangerfield, Executive Director

Kanye West Jokes About Devil Worship, Illuminati Rumors

‘Question … can you devil worship on the new iphone?’ MC quips on Twitter.

By Mawuse Ziegbe, with reporting by Sway Calloway (@realsway)

Kanye West’s latest artistic endeavor, the musically-driven, short film “Runaway,”has been a hot topic among his fans, with #runaway and #askkanye becoming Twitter trending topics after the film’s Saturday night premiere on MTV. Apparently, some viewers felt the project invoked symbolism of the Illuminati, an ancient secret society that has been linked to contemporary conspiracy theories suggesting an elite group of leaders control the world unbeknownst to the general public.On Sunday (October 24), ‘Ye took to his Twitter page to humorously address rumors that he’s a member of the purported society and worships the devil. Apparently, Yeezy has no clue what the society even is.

“I’ve got question about “the illuminati” … what is it exactly ??? … and why do people think pop stars have a membership???!!! LOL,” he tweeted. “Is illuminati and devil worshipping like the same thing … do they have a social network that celebs can sign up for?”

The MC also joked about which new tech gadgets and social media outlets would work for his so-called satanic lifestyle.

“Question… can you devil worship on the new iphone??? LOL!!!” he typed. “What’s better for devil worshipping Iphone or the Droid… Does lucifer return text… is he or she on Skype? Don’t wanna be sexist.”

‘Ye even took a crack at sparking a devil-friendly trending topic.

“#DoyouthinkLucifer uses in in ear monitors or signature Beats by Dre headphones???!!!” Yeezy wrote.

The MC did say he was cool with legendary hip-hop spinner and producer DJ Clue, who’s known for lacing many of his projects with a chant that sounds similar to Illuminati.

“I am down with Cluemanotti though,” he wrote. “That’s my boy.”

Yeezy joked about claims that he’s down with the devil on Twitter, but he has also recently addressed one of his lyrics that may have riled up fans. In a sit-down with MTV News after the premiere of “Runaway,” broke down the meaning of a rhyme from a freestyle he kicked last year that lit up the blogosphere.

“There’s this line where I say, ‘I sold my soul to the devil, that’s a crappy deal,’ and all these people said, ‘What you mean you sold your soul to the devil?’ But when I say it, I’m saying, when I allow other people’s ideals to interfere with what I know is true to myself, that’s the devil,” West explained. “So, it’s like, people talking mess on the blogs is the devil or …trying to call me names, that’s what the devil is. And me thinking twice about what it is that’s really in my heart because of what people’s reaction would be is me selling my soul to the devil.”

The lyricist maintained that he will no longer let others’ opinions stifle his creative expression.

“You’re on earth for only 80, 90 a hundred years,” he said. “I have to create from my dreams, from the dreams I had as a 5-year-old, and use everything — all the greatest people and all the tools I have around me — and ask as many questions as I can to help facilitate and bring this out. And this [film] is one of the first examples of a dream coming true.”

Yeezy isn’t the only hip-hop star to catch heat about a visual supposedly packed with satanic imagery. Jay-Z and Swizz Beatz batted away rumors, earlier this year, that the slick video for their collabo “On to the Next One” was riddled with demonic references.

What do you think about the rumors about Kanye West? Let us know in the comments!