Missy Elliot is Feeling Better

Missy Better

Missy healed herself with a different food pyramid. THe Pope is talking about our medical snake cult with a wall of lawyers. They took out my brothers guts when he had crohns like pete davidson. Only the Lisbon sisters can save u. take a break from the 5g grid riddick necro towers.

ha ha bruno u called bargain roseanne. her kid is fishman dj fishman. they play ave maria over and over again. Salo knights are trolling me hard with oat pyramid. nuclear medicine men. the devil’s gonnna try and divide all the black israelites. divide all the wasps. divide the family

The Illuminati Hate Jay Z & Beyonce

Jay Z Gatsby

Psalm 113:7 The LORD raises the needy from the dust,
lifts the poor from the ash heap,

8 Seats them with princes,
the princes of the people,

In the Original Gatsby an ashkenazi Jew who got rich from the market crash and bootlegging tries to get back his blue blood Jewish love. The East Coast Establishment like George W treat africans as subhuman. Skull & Bones Brown Brothers Harriman. The Rockefellers and their drug laws. They all hate parvenus. The Nouveu Riche.IN the bible hell was an ash heap outside of jerusalem that constantly burned garbage. That is what Jesus called Gehenna. I’m gonna burn David De Rothschilds global warming book when Pope Francis retires on my 50th birthday. Blue Ivy is Croatian. The super rich go to Croatia with heir yachts in the summer. Croats sell them ice cream. Kany made his Whitney Houston art because she was from the tribe of Judah.

CBS’ “Blue Bloods” purports to be about multigenerational Staten Island cop … A secret society exists within the NYPD, with evidence that slain …

Kanye Says Slavery is a Choice and the Russian Gulag

New slaves

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956


The blacks and the slavs didn’t love freedom enough to fight back. USA is heading down the same road. The theft of taxation doesn’t seem to bother we the people like the first tax revolt against the brits.