Leona Lewis & New York’s Savior

One of my Crusaders saved NYC in 2010. psalm 137 level it to the foundations. psalm 110. 2010 volunteers for the war in iran.

Soldiers without borders. full spectrum dominance.

god bless u snake pliskin

Charlie Sheen and the Lunar Channels of the Initiated

Grapes of Wrath

Every Indian want 2b the Chief. Sheen was sending rev 19 pax americana & the grapes of wrath.

charlie sheen ET movie. Seti program from civ ii. charlie has some sort of pstd from the simulated violence in apocalypse now. shell shocked.

Alicia Silverstone is selling turmeric & elderberry.

Veni Sancte Spiritus, tui amoris ignem accende,
Veni Sancte Spiritus, Veni Sancte Spiritus,

(Come Holy Spirit, light the fire of your love)