Cool Coopers

db cooper was cool. kid rock and the money he took

  • bill cooper was cool with book he wrote

bradley cooper is orange. he’s cool 2

The Pitts & The Hole in the Berlin Wall

she was watching me and x fighting over shiloh prophecy on seekrit forum….nf 1989 berlin wall…

poison pills…pitt is the shitts at writing in this movie…always drunk like my a hole bro. he wants me to take out lucifer on Fox. Crazy like fox. the archangels michael and gabriel are above rothschilds and bogdanovs.

the bigger the boom the bigger the bust. pitt in big short. mike trout #27 was the sign for eagle eye aria…hal 9000…lucy

everyone remember that the lottery is an extra tax on the stupid. american dream to win lottery.

MAD Max & The Redemption of the Jews

If we nuked the world it wouldn’t be no mad max shit. it would be the 1% hiding underground using their nuetron bombs.nuclear winter for a thousand years..research the neutron bomb and ultimate victory…it would B MAD mutual assured destruction……….the illuminait masonic zionist snake kept us from nuking each other. it used to be a bipolar century last millenium…MAD mutual assured destruction Max.
