she was gonna insist on the helicopter ride Mr Furtado
i was like tony montana sez in scarface = paranoid
Glass ceiling can’t melt from jet fuel or car fuel…every metal tradesman knows
The glass ceiling is still there…just a little singed…sin on 13th avenue…luis showed me gift basket and said “get the orange”….in basement…i didn’t steal it…but went back to satanic investigate clockwork orange priests..
gospa told me go at black sabbath…witching hour 3:30 sunday morning before church…i had rod of God…two priests with black shirts and no colars came out of cab..i YELLED…are you a jesuit twice…then GET OUT OF HERE….there were some women on bikes who said to me that they were taking their children
i went to church steel bar fence and rattled the cage saying NO MORE NO MORE
they harvest the blood from frightened children for the adrenochrome
occult satanic world including the churchs and hospitals
13 man tribunal & 9 priests reshuffled
This is poorest zip code in Canada…800,000 kids missing every year in usa…joe’s secret war…nobody wants to join…we pretend there is alien invasion…only KK can get u kids training in the park instead of going myopic and braindead
How would a Order of Death, Skull & Bones mad scientist like Bill Gates kill 90% of mankind?
Her majesty is horrified by these weapons. George Bush destroyed her rose garden with his helicopter. Why do these bonsemen want to snuff out all ther pretty flowers? Genocidal madness at it’s peak. Bill Gates wants to reseed the earth with a harem of women with his Seed Bank in Greenland. Sees wisdom in the words of Dr. Strangelove.
My dear girls, don’t flatter yourselves. What I did this afternoon was for Queen and country.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” — JFK
everybody speaks about peace in front of phallic obelisks.
nadya is so happy she could cry
OBelisk has power….
Bush runs washington….jacob rothschild city of london…pope francis obelisk in rome….david de rothschild needs a hero like oliver north to be benevolent savior of israel