Crazy Kubrick’s Redemption

Psalm 44:27 Rise up, help us! Redeem us as your love demands.

In Judaism, redemption (Hebrew ge’ulah) refers to God redeeming the people of Israel from their exiles, starting with that from Egypt. This includes the final redemption from the present exile. In the Torah, redemption referred to the ransom of slaves (Exodus 21:8).


Eyes Wide Shut was a stab in the dark at the Illuminist Rothschild cabal. Did it succeed in making a invisible enemy visible?

The Vicar of Christ

John 14:16
 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always,

vicar (/ˈvɪkər/; Latin: vicarius) is a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting “in the person of” or agent for a superior (compare “vicarious” in the sense of “at second hand”). Linguistically, vicar is cognate with the English prefix “vice”, similarly meaning “deputy”.


Jesus is the MAIN MESSIAH. He made the prophecy, I fulfilled. Like a Hail Mary pass on Any given Sunday.

George W Bush & The Plot Against Antichrist

 Bush in school the morning of the 9/11 attack. KITE PLANE MUST HIT STEEL… 
After the 2000 Fatima secret was revealed i told Nelly F the goats and sheep story…..the next year W struck the temple of the Moneychangers
Ezra Pound — ‘Usury is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon’s knife of fascism can cut out of the life of the nations.’
Was the Business Plot of 1933 (to overthrow FDR), with JP Morgan, Prescott Bush and others, an actual plot? Did it have any chance of succeeding?


After the war in Yugoslavia the towers were nicknamed R & R…Rothschild & Rockefeller….The number 7 building that was half as tall was the CIA building.

I’ll tell you more in the comments as i try to recover from Pharma drug brain trauma.