Bog i Hrvati (God and the Croats) – This motto originates from Ante Starčević’s speech to the Croatian Parliament (Sabor) on June 26, 1861, in which he stated that the future of Croatia should not be decided in Austria, but by God and the Croats.
Red Son's Pravda Blog
Bog i Hrvati (God and the Croats) – This motto originates from Ante Starčević’s speech to the Croatian Parliament (Sabor) on June 26, 1861, in which he stated that the future of Croatia should not be decided in Austria, but by God and the Croats.
Mars god of war
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars (Latin: Mārs, pronounced [maːrs]) was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was the son of Jupiter and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the Roman army.
Greek equivalent: Ares
Symbol: The spear of Mars ♂ (Spear and shield iconography)
Children: Romulus and Remus, Cupid
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation …
poverty in europe
poverty everywhere
A quote from Pope Francis:
“Today we cannot be satisfied simply with being aware of the problems faced by many of our brothers and sisters. It is not enough to offer broad reflections or engage in endless discussion, constantly repeating things everyone knows. We need to ‘de-naturalize’ extreme poverty, to stop seeing it as a statistic rather than a reality. Why? Because poverty has a face! It has the face of a child; it has the face of a family; it has the face of people, young and old. It has the face of widespread unemployment and lack of opportunity. It has the face of forced migrations, and of empty or destroyed homes.”
— Meeting of executive board of World Food Programme, June 13, 2016
He sings that the land is our mother and that we all return to her
And for Croatia not to be afraid
Waiting for young Pope s revelation non fiction