My anger comes from the fear of being a thought leader, in the face of an all encompassing, monolithic, psychiatric thought police.
Fear of failure: inadequacy; still taking charge and as a result making mistakes that have major consequences. Failure is what the strongest, most intelligent and most confident leaders fear. Whether starting a new project or succeeding in the current one, the difficulty lies in escaping from the gnawing sense of failure. Being afraid to fail will lead you to tell people that you don’t expect to succeed. To lower expectations destroys imagination.
Fear of being abandoned: the fear of becoming isolated, being pushed out of the team or organization. A branch of this fear is this is the fear of not being popular and being rejected, the latter becoming crippling for some. If untreated, fear of rejection worsens over time and gradually takes over every part of life. You fear people losing interest in you and disappointing those whose opinion you value.
Fear of criticism: this particular type of fear focuses on what other people think about you and hinders you from pursuing the future you desire. Being afraid of others telling you what you cannot or should not do, and what you cannot accomplish, will quietly and quickly fester if left untreated.
Fear of being an impostor: the fear of claiming a leadership role and others finding out that you were not born, trained, or qualified for it. Not everyone can function on the “fake it till you make it” theory.
Fear of making a mistake. When we become afraid to move forward, and are afraid to make mistakes along the way, we miss many great opportunities.
Old GF NF told me to TRY. So i kept trying. Despite impossible odds and a braindead populace. I’m not angry anymore at NF. Alexander the Great was 20 years old when he became King, 32 when he died. His famous quote was, “Nothing is impossible to those who TRY“.
Alexander never lost a battle in his life. In the end, he died from a mutiny by his own men.
conquer your FEAR…John 15:18 If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me FIRST!!!
Katy Perry lyrics = I’m the long shot
I’m the Hail Mary
Why can’t it be me?
i just want a happy little wedding…a little farm in Croatia…i would rather be a Charlie Chaplin Jew than a Hitler Jew.
I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor
That’s not my business
I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone
I should like to help everyone if possible
Jew, Gentile, Black Man, White
We all want to help one another, human beings are like that
We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery
We don’t want to hate and despise one another
yes, almost everyone would rather have Charlie Chaplin in charge than a psycho killer like Hitler
c’mon, make them laugh, like u did in high school
it used to come so easily for you
It’s so hard, when our mother earth is being ecocided…i have a nuclear missile swords into plowshares plan to send up satellites but no plan for the ecocide…there isn’t even a law that prohibits ecocide YET
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Friday that the world is living “in the shadow of nuclear catastrophe,” fueled by growing distrust and tensions between the nuclear powers.
The U.N. chief told a high-level meeting to commemorate the recent International Day for Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons that progress on ridding the world of nuclear weapons “has stalled and is at risk of backsliding.” And he said strains between countries that possess nuclear weapons “have increased nuclear risks.”
As examples, Guterres has expressed deep concern at the escalating disputes between the Trump administration and China. Relations between the U.S. and Russia are at a low point. Nuclear-armed India and Pakistan are feuding over Kashmir, and India just had a border skirmish with China. And North Korea boasts about its nuclear weapons.
okay, i’m gonna try…
i’d do anything for a rockefeller dime…10 cents please!!!
old man rockefeller is so cheap….
don’t BOO
i’m trying to make u laugh
There Will Be Blood A Brief History of Standard Oil
Standard Oil was founded in 1870 in Ohio by John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was born into a working-class family but quickly accumulated a significant amount of money through his early business ventures. He was able quickly to expand Standard Oil in part through legitimate business practices and improved efficiency, but mostly due to tactics such as buying out competing businesses, negotiating exclusive discount deals with rail companies for transporting products, and secretly colluding with other companies to control the markets. By the late 1880s, Standard Oil had accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue (not adjusted for inflation) and controlled about 88% of the national oil marketplace.
In 1890, Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlawed companies from engineering the markets to restrict fair and competitive business. The state of Ohio sued Standard Oil on the basis of this law, and in 1892 the company was forced to separate its structure into regional companies, such as Standard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of Ohio, and Standard Oil of California (the branch with which Daniel deals in the film, and which in real life was led by H.M. Tilford, as in the film). However, in practice these companies remained a part of the same national conglomerate, thanks to a group of shareholders owning stakes in multiple Standard Oil divisions and covertly directing their operations in coordination with each other. These high-level owners also bought controlling stakes in railroad companies and directed them to ship Standard Oil’s products at low prices while charging higher prices for competing companies (this is the practice which Daniel was concerned about in the film and the reason he wants to build a pipeline to the coast).
By the time that There Will Be Blood takes place, in 1911, the collective institution of Standard Oil had by some measures grown to an even greater height than its peak before the Ohio lawsuit. However, this same year marked a lawsuit by the federal government against Standard Oil and the subsequent Supreme Court decision in Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States which held that the aforementioned business practices were still in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and ordered them to be broken up into genuinely independent divisions. They did, and this effectively ended the Standard Oil monopoly on the American oil industry, though Rockefeller profited immensely from the consequent buyout of his shares in the companies, and became the richest man in world history. The extent to which the breakup was even effective in the long term is also debatable, since many of the offshoot oil companies have since merged with one another, the most notable example being ExxonMobil.
it’s hard to turn the destruction in iraq into a comedy:
know what i mean birdie?
but the UN has its funny moments
Venezuela that WASN’T some mean BUSH
aryans…colonel quaritch is based on this ex marine John De nugent
mortal enemy of the Slavic peoples
is this the master race? Rockefeller’s lackey George W…? rockefeller rothschild for a thousand years? romulus and remus of the NWO? rockefeller vs rothschild corporations now MERGED like devastator in transformers? the king of the WASPS & the king of the JEWS?
i tell you the jews try harder than anyone else to overthrow their pyramid of darkness. kubrick and deniro movies about illuminati and skull and bones.
maybe it will be like avatar with jenna bush as president invading venezuela
u want to run through Jenna’s mean bush?
her misty thicket of wonders in venezuela and planet pandor?