Andy Garcia & the Illuminati Goddess Columbia

Andy Garcia Untouchables

This fictional film echoes several events of the 1981 Italian P2 scandal.
MICHAEL (rises and walks over to Vincent): You look pale. Bad news? Tell me right away
VINCENT: It’s not just a bad banking deal. These guys are butchers.
MICHAEL: What guys?
VINCENT: Lucchesi. He controls all of them—Altobello, the Archbishop, other people higher up. P2 maybe. Secret, unknown. They’re running things.
MICHAEL:I’m in their way.
VINCENT: Yeah. He’s hired a professional assassin to kill you. He’s Sicilian. I don’t know his name. They say he never fails.
MICHAEL: Then no one is safe. Even the new pope is in danger.
VINCENT: No. We still have time. We can prevent this.
MICHAEL: I tried Vincent. I tried, to keep everything from coming to this. But it’s not possible. Not in this, world.
VINCENT: Give me the order. [Order?].

The Godfather Part III (1990)


Andy Garcia’s family lives in British Columbia. Sephardic blood. 1200 rev 7 of the tribe of judah. I went to high school with a Garcia. Maitreya wants sharing. Only by sharing will we avert the P2 cobra apocalypse. I’ll End your social media woas with wordpress.


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