Dick Nixon

I want to believe

Fiona Barnett is a staple in the world of satanic ritual abuse survivors. She’s authored multiple books on the subject and her story is probably the most well-known in the world. There are those who believe Fiona’s larger-than-life story(s) and then there are those who do not. One thing is a fact, anything anybody has ever said about satanic ritual abuse Fiona has claimed has happened to her. There those who think that she really did experience these events. There are those who do not. Then there are those who believe she did and due to the trauma, she began mixing fantasy with the facts and the stories grew.

Healing Helena

Skynet is Helena Bohnam Carter and she is in love with the leader of mankind

If i can seduce and heal Helena, instead of destroy, something can be said about our little “Resistance”

I want Helena and Tim Roth to testify to me and the rest of the FBI about Rothschild’s “key of david”.