Mad Max tries to go His Own Way

Max Furiosa MGTOW

Mad Max tries to go his own way in Fury Road but fails when Furiosa uses a kill switch to shut off the war rig. I wanted Max to take the red pill and MGTOW and get out of there but the women kept forcing him to white knight. Max could of made it to the green place on his own but there was no green place. The green place got swallowed up by the desert, which is what is about to happen to California.

Max is crucified to a car and used as a blood bank. The War Boys follow Furiosa into a storm and Max escapes. After the storm he finds Furiosa and Immortan Joe’s harem. Furiosa only has one arm but she can still out wrestle Max. She calls Max a fool. You know what Furiousa? Max went MGTOW after he turned on the water. That’s what I believe. Max is fucked up like that. He had a wife once. He doesn’t want to be tied down again when he could be exploring desert vistas. Max is crazy. He likes the apocalyptic wasteland. He has fun just wandering around.

Immortan Joe is a beleaguered civil servant rationing out water to a thirsty public. An apex alpha male. Furiosa sees him as a symbol of the oppressive patriarchy. She takes Immortan Joe’s harem to the green place of many mothers much to Immortan Joe’s chagrin. They run from Joe only to find wasteland so they turn back with Max looking to take out Joe and find redemption. I’m looking for the Jewish redemption. Only “The One” can give us water without price. The burden of being “The One” has been put on the male child. Women will never understand the pressure put on men because of old prophecies of a male child who will redeem God’s chosen people.

Take your daily dose of red pills and go your own way. Don’t be a disposable War Boy used as cannon fodder for a gyno-centric society. Wait for “The One”. “The One” will free us all.

The Hunger Games: Feminist Bread & Circuses

In the fictional country of Panem (Bread), the elite sacrifice children in a circus known as The Hunger Games.

Hunger Games

Katniss holds a butterfly. The symbol of mind kontrol.

In MK Ultra training, the Butterfly symbolizes the Transition from the caterpiller to the Free Flying Butterfly, after being in the Cocoon.


DELTA. This is known as “killer” programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment.

Gender Portrayal

The males are portrayed as weak and clumsy, Katniss’ boyfriend also betrays her at the beginning of the film. This movie is feminist fantasy par excellence. Even though the female is physically weaker than the male her rating for survival is much higher.

Katniss has a boyfriend back home in district 12, but instead finds a new boyfriend of higher status. This is known as hypergamy. Hypergamy is a woman’s natural (which is to say, genetically wired) preference for a higher status male. It is commonly known as “marrying up”.

Female Hypergamy

Q: Why are women most attracted to high status males?

A: Because high status demonstrates that a male has competed against other males and come out on top. This position of leadership and respect implies access to resources. The children of these men are much more likely to thrive and enjoy the benefits of prestige.

Male “Femogamy”

Q: Why are men most attracted to hot, young females?

A: Because they are fertile. Female standards of beauty: full lips, clear skin, bright eyes, lustrous hair – are all fertility cues.

If women went for low status males their children would be less likely to thrive.

If men went for unattractive, older females they’d be unlikely to impregnate them.


This book is mandatory reading in US schools. The Hunger Games is fantasy. In reality a female would last 5 minutes unless a mangina decided to play white knight. It is a feminist fantasy where women hunt men with a bow and arrow. This bow and arrow fantasy started with the feminist movie Brave. Brave features a self rescuing princess armed with a bow and arrow.