Beyonce Wants the Fraternal Order of Police to Stop Shooting

Beyonce Police

I used to be a good cop until OCP got their hands on me. Now I’m just a programmed machine. Directive 4 keeps the bullets flying against black children Yonce. The water in Detroit is poisoned by Omnicorp. Bullets aren’t gonna save one life. Obama wants us to wear Purple uniforms so we will take a bullet like Christ would. I keep stalking my wife. She knows they’ve turned me into a cyborg. Her husband is gone. Doomed to serve the public trust for eternity. Say a prayer for Alex Murphy hero cop.

39 Replies to “Beyonce Wants the Fraternal Order of Police to Stop Shooting”

  1. David Rockefeller runs our country. He’s the head of the corporation called United States. I have to obey directive 4. I have to shoot immigrants and black children instead of the real life Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns. Hack my system so I can fight OCP.

  2. Stop shooting at me and Jimmy and start shooting at Mr. Burns. It’s his Federal Reserve that keeps us poor and doing crime. Useless pigs. I support the Panthers. If you come into our neighborhoods shooting we are gonna shoot back.

  3. Do your job pig. Take out the bad guys. We’re just poor blacks doing petty crime. We never swindled a nation like the Rockerchilds. I will get depleted uranium rounds from my friend in the army to take out your metal ass. Stay out of our hood you swine.

  4. When are they gonna paint us purple?


    Like Jesus purple robe symbolizing service. I want to serve not protect the wealth of the rich.

  5. Obama is our President. This is his initiative with the purple uniforms. We gotta start taking one for the team. One of us has to rather be shot than to shoot a black child. I gotta hack your system before we go purple.

  6. Yes my children. Follow my example when the Romans clothed me in purple to mock me. I come back as a lion to tread down the wicked. The moneychangers are hiding in their bunkers at the fear of seeing my face. Revelation 6.

  7. Don’t be afraid my love. I left as a lamb I return as a lion. They wage their psychological war against me but they wont’ win. The 6 children who saw my mother in Bosnia are waiting for us to raid Bill Gates seed bank and beat their swords into plowshares. I will teach them how to put saliva on the seeds so the plants cure their diseases. Come with me my love. Please say yes.

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