Beyonce’s Baphomet Ring

Beyonce Baphomet Ring

Check out Beyonce’s Baphomet ring during a performance at Coachella. Has Beyonce sold her soul to the Devil for fame and fortune? No one forced her to sign that recording contract.

Jay Z is rumored to be a master mason and Beyonce rarely talks about God nowadays. Has Beyonce turned to the dark side? She is also wearing a rosary and has a song called Ave Maria on her album. Is Beyonce evil or just quasi-evil? Maybe Beyonce is the margarin of evil. The diet coke of evil. Only one calorie, not evil enough.

Theories on the etymology of the Baphomet are many. To some it is believed to be a corruption of the Moslem prophet “Mahomet” or in English Mohammed. The Templars fought along side Moslem Assassins during their time and it is held that they may have adopted Islamic beliefs. This doesn’t really hold water to anyone familiar with Islam as the religion forbids all forms of idolatry.

Another train of thought is that Baphomet is really a joining of two Greek words meaning absorption into wisdom. In either case the fact remains that the Templars were accused of practicing their initiations and rituals in front of a large idol of the demon Baphomet.

How did this belief come to be? Since King Philip of France sought to own the vast Templar wealth, he along with his puppet Pope Clement V had the Templars captured and tortured. During these tortures they made many confessions, among these, the disclosure that they had worshipped an idol said to be the Baphomet. Were these claims true? Perhaps we’ll never know. Jacques de Molay, who had earlier confessed his and the Templars guilt slowly burned at the stake insisting the order was innocent of all but one offence, that of allowing torture to cause them to lie and confess untruths.

56 Replies to “Beyonce’s Baphomet Ring”

  1. This is really sad that a country founded on religious freedom is bringing oppression to people who may or may not possible believe or worship the “Devil” Read a book and educate yourself… there are many forms of Satanism… The most common of which if Luciferianism and they do not believe nor worship the “Devil”. I for one do not follow their practices, but who are we to judge the beliefs of others. If they are not harming others leave them alone

  2. To the DUMB one (void of information)”9″ is the highest number which represents spiritual essence. The number 9 is divisible of the 360 degree(cycle of life, death, rebirth)>>>>>3+6+0=9 and 3x6x0=18>>1+8=9 Divine Femi.nine. The Creator is Wombman. Ask the Pope why he bows down in secrecy to the “original wombman & sun?” Don’t be blinded by the illusion. Unless, you’re just programmed to be.


  3. What all i will say is you all need to go to and get the video the truth behind hip hop V, we all have been fooled by satan into thinking that he either does not exist, was wrongfully kicked out of heaven, or he is a god. I am hearing people taalk about 360 degree life, that there is a diference betweeen satan and lucifer, that Jesus is fake, and that this is a free world. If you look in the Quran and the Bible they both talk about Jesus coming back to reclaim God’s people, I am a Christian and cursing and rambling off a bunch of numbers doesn’t change the fact that the devil is real and he is tricking people every day. The Head that is on beyonce’s ring is baphomet, it represents devil worship look it up. Jesus was here on earth look that up too, it does not matter if you are pro black or pro white he is in you history look it up. Stay out of those gossip circles, where no one is thinking clearly they are just trying to justify there beliefs through anger of someone/something, fear of someone/something, or lack of knowledge.

  4. here observing the discussion. It is written: who have ears let them hear, who have eyes let them see. Don’t be blind or play blind or be deaf or play deaf to suite yourself. knowledge is power and the sky is the limit to wat you can learn. Strange world and strange things will happen that no scientist nor doctor can explain.

  5. Choose what is right or choose what is wrong,its up to you all but there’s only one true father and savior!Let not compliments nor put downs determine who you or whose you are!Seek his true name,face and kingdom.Full circle

  6. In the end, the very elect will be deceived. We are caught up in these pop stars, hollywood actors and so called religious leaders that we don’t recognize the baphomet symbols they proudly display in the media: finger to the chin, triangle hovah hand display, hand shakes, symbols on religious garments, it’s bananas! Just make sure you don’t get left behind. But how do we do that? One big ball of confusion. Christianity is aligned with a lot of pagan rituals. Who am I? Who are you? It’s a mess.

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