Can Bono Save the World?

No, but he can change the World (Trade Center)
before change…
after changing the World (TC)
st…john the divine took the stage


Bono wants to be #1….not #2 like dr evil’s servant in austin powers man of mystery.

There are 1’s then there are chosen ones who are #1 becuz they let Jozo build their website…and get out of zuck sugar mountain social media lucifer

One Reply to “Can Bono Save the World?”



    Current emphasis on elimination of the HIV/AIDS epidemic challenges researchers to assess the efficacy of
    alternative treatment modalities. Previous studies have been conducted using different silver preparations such as silver
    nitrate (AgNO3
    ) and silver oxide hydrosol (Ag4
    ) to treat HIV/AIDS patients. These studies did not use nanoparticles
    and used small sample sizes. Nanoparticle preparations hold particular promise because of their ability to enhance
    surface coverage. The present investigation is designed to test the efficacy of silver nanoparticle preparations using a
    pretest- posttest methodology. This research proposal is intended to increase awareness of a complimentary approach
    to HIV treatment and to stimulate future silver nanoparticle research.

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