A League of Their Own

It’s easy to fix a baseball game. Pitchers walk batters on purpose and give them easy pitches to hit.
The baseball stars are a who’s who of famed Freemasons: Grover Alexander, Ty Cobb, Carl Hubbell, Branch Rickey, Honus Wagner, and Cy …
We need look no further than the local baseball diamond to find high ritual. There is no need to hanker after secret Masonic rites in closed halls or occult workings in … are the priests in blue, the umpires, who know the Law and keep the ritual correct.
Gotta get this Tom back to his family Rosie.


I’m channeling Tom’s Dad and what he told TC about Operation Fishbowl. Scary fracking shit this radioactive pollution. Simpsons cartoon idiots aren’t scared about the impending mutations in the human race.

Iraq psyops = Mutations

Rosie has Orange Solid Snake Yugo Pez in her hand.

Rosie & The Trolley Conspiracy

Rosie Trolley

“Mass transit didn’t just die, it was murdered” Kwitny, 1981


“When GM and a few other big companies created a transportation oligopoly for the internal-combustion engine . . . they did not rely just on the obvious sales pitch. They conspired. They broke the law. . . in 1949 a jury convicted the corporations and several executives of criminal antitrust violations for their part in the demise of mass transit. The convictions were upheld on appeal.” Kwitny, 1981


Psalm 127 – NIV: Unless the LORD builds the transportation, the builders labor in vain.