Removing Scoliosis Steel

It’s easy. Nanomachines are like magic fairy dust. Once you realize just how very much story can be replaced by a simple drop of the word “nanomachines”, it’s easy to see why a science-fiction author would rely on it for all those tricky logistical questions. Even if it cheapens the story and causes the audience to roll their eyes, it’s no worse than the explanations given by fantasy stories and many other popular series.

— An article about Metal Gear Solid 4


The tiny robot surgeons will take out the titanium from KK’s back.

The Weapon to End All War

The weapon is called a PCB (Particle Beam Cannon)


Yuri Gagarin, first man on the moon, placed it there. The weapon can split this planet into pieces. The only thing that will be left is meteor rubble. D.U.M.B. Deep Underground Military Bunkers DESTROYED. So free NF and free Britney. U dumbass devil worshiping Illuminati motherfrackers.