Haggling With Jeff Bezos

NF the amazon saleswoman wants more money from u bezos


Jeff Bezos must give her a higher percentage for her Amazon sales…or she kiboshes the amazon ads…Jews say use power of haggling…This video had a low low budget…only made 30,000 dollars from 10 million views..BOGUS…SWINDLE….

Bezos isn’t Jewish…but he is part of that SOS NWO crew

4 Replies to “Haggling With Jeff Bezos”

  1. 20 costume rentals…2000 bucks…camera man


    and split with la mala

    brutal swindle by the pirates of silicon valley

    can’t build anything really spectacular on streaming budget

  2. While the Amazon Associates program has a commission rate of up to 10 percent for some items, such as luxury beauty products, others, such as video game consoles, are as low as 1 percent.

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