17 Replies to “Immortal Technique’s Hollywood Ending”

  1. Truman confronts Molotov at White House, April 23, 1945…we slavs call it Molotov Diplomacy

    Useful white power idiots shoot up wrong synagogue of satan

    it’s not smart to be dumb

  2. Molotov never stopped loving his wife, and it is said he ordered his maids to make dinner for two every evening to remind him that, in his own words, “she suffered because of me.” She was freed after Stalin’s death in 1953

  3. 911 the day of the lord…shed your skin and claim your light body…Red touch black, safe for Jack. Red touches yellow, kills a fellow. The coral snake will have bands of red touching smaller bands of yellow.

    The Day of the Lord

    …4But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. 5For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6So then, let us not sleep as the others do, but let us remain awake and sober.…

  4. Elizabeth : The memory is not destroyed, it is locked in a cage, and with enough force, enough violence, the lock can be broken. It comes back, the memory, not completely, not entirely, but enough to drive you, to make you feel you have been cheated, enough to make you angry. What did she look like?
    Simon : …you.

    TRANCE Formation of America was released in 1995 after the 1947 National Security Act was invoked to censor this testimony from the US Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight.

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