Jews: Satan’s Kids?

Marilyn Manson and Anton Lavey

The found of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, was born in Chicago, Illinois to Jewish parents. Marilyn Manson is both Jewish and bisexual. Is Marilyn Manson to blame for the Columbine killings? Columbine’s Trench Coat Mafia was formed to protect Jewish kids. One girl was shot because she was holding a bible. When kids put 13 crosses on the Columbine lawn, local Jewish groups had them removed.

14 Replies to “Jews: Satan’s Kids?”

  1. Warner Brother is a Jewish company. Anton Levy (Levi) is Jewish. No big surprise. Brian Hugh Warner, no big surprise to find out he is also at least half Jewish (Warner is indeed a Jewish name). The Columbine shooters were also Jewish, which is why they wanted to murder Christians. But the Zionist owned main stream media doesn’t want you to know these things right? Instead we get news for the goyim.

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