Mel Gibson: Raped by a Pack of Niggers?

Eminem, Usher Clockwork Orange

37,460 rapes of White Women by black men in 2005 — Black women raped by White men — 0!

Is there a universal standard of physical beauty? Is it ‘White?!’

Why do feminist activists in the Black community scorn some Black women’s desire to bleach their skin, reduce the size of their nose, and buy hair extensions? Because it represents the internalization of the aspiration to be more acceptable by white standards, the very standard that had them exploited and subjugated for centuries.

This “standard” varies from culture to culture. The reason everyone blames the media is because it projects a standard of beauty only favoring certain kinds of people, and the standards it projects are unrealistic for everyday people. Not everyone can, or wants to look like Angelina Jolie.

The media has brainwashed today’s Americans into believing what THEY want you to believe. Whether it be politics, what to buy, or what to wear or who to RAPE.

Click here to listen to Mel Gibson’s raped by a pack of niggers phone call.

23 Replies to “Mel Gibson: Raped by a Pack of Niggers?”

  1. Maybe it’s because niggers look like barely-humanized chimps? Or that the chinks look like yellow monkies? Nobody forces them to apsire to our standard of beauty, they desire it themselves; even animals can recognize true beauty, I suppose.


  2. You need to post facts. You are clearly telling a lie. White women live black men and there is no need to rape any white woman> we shoot guns. we sell drugs. But we do not rape!! YOU PEOPLE are the rapest! And as as far as Niggers go<BITCH! Ya presedent is a nigga and its niggas fuckin and takin SHITS in the WHITE HOUSE!

  3. Inspite of all this there’s something that the black have which the whites are killing for!!! MELANIN ! Even monkeys have it and all other animal thats why the whites are trying their best to make themselves look superior when it is the black people who are their gods.after all whites worship black behind doors. White people are vampires they get burn as soon as the sun hit them take a close look at the movie BLADE why didn’t they use a white man instead of a black wesley snipe. Don’t forget willy lynch and 500 years of slavery. White are jealous of black because we build america and the rest of the world get this thru your DEAD pineal gland

  4. OMG!! You white racist people need to STFU! I find this to be ignorant and offensive! You’re worse than Hitler if not the same. It’s people like you that kill Americas diversity! Blacks were already making a society in Africa while you all were crawling out on all fours in the stone age. And you forget that our President is what you lame-brained hicks call a “NI**ER ” so yeah….STFU!

  5. Calling me a hick is just as much a racial slur as me calling you a nigger. I just don’t chimp out when someone calls me a hick. It slides off my back like water. BELIEVE DAT!

  6. The statistics say it all. 0 white on black rapes in 2005. ZERO! We need to open our eyes. One in every three black males is in some phase of the correctional system. They’re not products of the environment either thats crap.

  7. hey I heard you crackers got a new catch-phrase “white people- stealing peoples land, raping millions of black people and genocide since the dawn of time” get your god damn facts straight before you start saying black people and everyone else is the cause for all YOUR problems!! just remember when we were in Egypt living in PALACES speaking in our native tounge perfectly and building some of the eighth wonders of the world, cooking our food, knowing how to make fires you were living in caves “talking” in grunts, writing on walls (because your to stupid to make parchment) only just working out how to make fire!! And wondering why the fuck you savages had tails!!! Oooo and eating animals raw…… so yeah don’t blame us because your fathers didn’t think through their dumb ass slavery plans!!!! If it weren’t for us beautiful black people you wouldn’t have ELECTRONICS, HAIR BRUSHES, you couldn’t have anything!!! And standard of beauty??? White people are not beautiful!!! You a reptilian creature who knows nothing of true beauty!!! I mean look at your nasty noses! You do realise that if you believe in evolution then you’ll end up looking like voldemort from harry potter!!! Also to all dumbasses that believe Jesus (pronounced with a H) is actually white NEWFLASH he’s olive skinned!!!!! He is also believed to be of a similar colour to that of Indians!! And if you try and deny any of this its called basic history and basic geography!!! Peace out dumb crackers

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