16 Replies to “My General”

  1. Pope calls for Ecocide

    Nov 22, 2019 — The Pope described acts that “can be considered as ‘ecocide’: the massive contamination of air, land and water resources, the large-scale …

    The third angel poured out his vial
    on the rivers and springs of water.
    These also turned to blood.

    Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:
    “You are just, O Holy One, who are and who were,
    in passing this sentence.

  2. EUTROPHICATION is why the rivers are dying:

    The current hero of the Rockefeller interests is Norman Borlaug, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. An Iowa farmer, Borlaug had been sent to Mexico by the Rockefeller interests in 1944 to develop new types of grain. During his experiments there, he mated 60,000 different species of wheat, resulting in the creation of an all tropical race of dwarfs, double dwarfs and triple dwarfs by 1964. This was hailed as “the green revolution.” The resulting “superwheat” produced greater yields, but this was done by “hyping” the soil with huge amounts of fertilizer per acre, the fertilizer being the product of nitrates and petroleum, commodities controlled by the Rockefellers. Huge quantities of herbicides and pesticides were also used, creating additional markets for the Rockefeller chemical empire. In effect, “the green revolution” was merely a chemical revolution. At no point could the Third World nations be expected to pay for the huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This was again taken care of by the system of “foreign aid” which was already in place.

    The Rockefeller interests also sent Robert Chandler to the Philippines to develop a “Miracle Rice”; the result was a rice which used three times the previous amount of fertilizer. This rice matured in four months instead of the previous six months, producing three crops a year instead of two. When two Phillippine groups of wealthy entrepreneurs began to contest each other for local spinoffs of the profits of “Miracle Rice,” the Rockefellers decided to oust one group, the Marcos combine, replacing it with the Aquino faction, which had close ties to the Chase Manhattan Bank, and which could be depended on to pay interest on loans. As usual, Rockefeller “philanthropy” was closely inter-linked with markets, profits and political control. Modern fertilizer is a petroleum based industry.

  3. I wore red and black…..for the rivers running red in russia

    How does detergents lead to eutrophication?

    Some phosphate-based detergents can also cause eutrophication. Phosphate-enrichment can cause the water body to become choked with algae and other plants. Eutrophication deprives the water of available oxygen, causing the death of other organisms.

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