Look closely at your perfume & your makeup pink ladies
THe secret of being uberwoman is to be natural and dodge the Cancer plague…try to save family from their vices. Ric Flair was the Nature boy…key to ubermench uberkinder.
They were trying to turn Nelly into beta sex kitten but i snapped her out of it. made her alpha and omega…no boob job…no plastic face that melts when u get older
appropriating charlie sheen music
u dont have 2 give up makeup like keys….dont boss me NN….david puddy shizer
the pit…1928 perfume
the ethiopians r praying 4 that big celeb resterrant tip
They were trying to turn Nelly into beta sex kitten but i snapped her out of it. made her alpha and omega…no boob job…no plastic face that melts when u get older
we had to sacrifice time…to make fertility miracle
Seinfeld Sign language of Babu’s restaurant
CNN numbers say 13 hours of terrorism 29 dead…29 was market crash…black monday
it’s a fugazi nelly….excalibur of paz….peace….Psalm 36 fear of the Lord
Yehuda Berg is the real hustler con artist….i give everyone a free ride
giving angelina hope made her jubilant…joyful
Jolly rogers skull & Bones….has crush on skull leader…