Nicki Minaj: The Exorcism of Roman

Nicki Minaj Bishop

Nicki Minaj as Little Red Riding Hood at the 2012 Grammys.

Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale told to MK-Ultra slaves. Little Red Riding Hood is used in several ways along the lines of you think you’re going to Papa’s or Grandma’s house and you end up with a wolf.

Minaj Possession

Nikki was raped by her abusive Father. This split her mind into alters. The most malicious and evil alter is Roman Zoolanski, a cold and austere businesswoman.

Nicki Minaj Exorcism

A priest won’t be able to do the job. I have to do it myself. @nikkiminaj You need to remember the trauma. Stop disassociating and be brave. Every time I get flashbacks from the crucifixion I disassociate. I’m only human and so are you.

I want you to watch this video over and over again until all the memories come back. Only then you will be healed my child.

People are calling your cry for help anti-Christ. I don’t agree with them. Your sins are forgiven. Now sin no more and go in peace.

Actus contritionis

Deus meus, ex toto corde pænitet me ómnium meórum peccatórum, éaque detéstor, quia peccándo, non solum pœnas a te iuste statútas proméritus sum, sed præsértim quia offéndi te, summum bonum, ac dignum qui super ómnia diligáris. Ídeo fírmiter propóno, adiuvánte grátia tua, de cétero me non peccatúrum peccandíque occasiónes próximas fugitúrum. Amen.

3 Replies to “Nicki Minaj: The Exorcism of Roman”

  1. Is this Roman?


    Roman is definitely Jake worthy. I’ll be sad to see her go.

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