Posted on May 19, 2020 by Yolanda JohnsonNotting Hill Nelly IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER? RADICAL!!! CONCLUSION I was the only woman Hugh Grant ever loved. Related
some want food…but knowledge is also valuable to the nightmare on my street…C.R.E.A.M. to the crack fiends Reply
the family here is all saying PLEASE we are broke….broke by design…not sloth/laziness….greed of the super billionaires Reply
MANKIND = East van citizens media = Nelly and stars UN = antonio G the tabloid junkie’s think the stars in the media R the top of the heap Reply
Psalm 73:15 If I had said, “I will speak thus;” look, I would have betrayed the generation of your children. Nelly always mad handsome joe refused hollywood….i don’t speak their soft lies Papa LLENy Reply
PERFECT TIME….to wear a mask Yolanda
Masks illegal…now mandatory
some want food…but knowledge is also valuable to the nightmare on my street…C.R.E.A.M. to the crack fiends
warriors mission 13 is what i want
the soul is willing papa LLeny but the wallet isn’t
I want u2 buy the vote…some want a meal with their “Enlightened Dollar”
the family here is all saying PLEASE
we are broke….broke by design…not sloth/laziness….greed of the super billionaires
MANKIND = East van citizens
media = Nelly and stars
UN = antonio G
the tabloid junkie’s think the stars in the media R the top of the heap
Psalm 73:15 If I had said, “I will speak thus;” look, I would have betrayed the generation of your children.
Nelly always mad handsome joe refused hollywood….i don’t speak their soft lies Papa LLENy
Hollywood is a den of vipers…SOS…synagogue of satan, like the marines or Yale secret societies