Paris, Psyops & the African Union

If I had Paris & a Psyop Brigade the entire African Union would surrender.

GI Joe’s way. Not Uncle Sam/Baphomet’s way. God likes men with BALLS. Heroes not Zeroes (The Fluoridated Fool). Communism doesn’t work. The ten planks are a shizer substitute for the Ten Commandments. Judeo-Chrislam in Africa wins hearts and minds. Farrakhan’s Mahdi number 19 like the number of 9/11 hijackers.


Degree in Economics so he knows about the old Republics constitution on money, weights and measures. Communism doesn’t work even in a Gaddafi interest free country. People get sick of the Dictator’s face telling lie after lie. God rewards truth.

Africa is a big game of Divide & Conquer as Uncle Samael takes the precious conflict minerals. THE MINERALS. To build a space ship you gotta have the conflict minerals. African Union, a republic like old America. Where gays (put in Nazi camp) & intellectuals (Commie Gulag) have rights. One World Republic. It’s a big idea, a New World Order.

Lenny Kravitz wants more freedoms in the Constitution. Freedom of speech. Freedom of assembly is also genius of Founding Father. Freedom of currency is what i want to write into New Constitution. Old African currency was a tally stick. What King Charles the II used to free England from the Goldsmiths debt. A disposable wooden Chinese chopstick is perfect tally stick. Freedom of currency means Gold, Silver, Seashells, Iron coins like ancient Greece. Any currency you can imagine.

The right to bear arms should not be infringed but the Government should encourage citizen to arm themselves with non lethal weapons. Madonna hypocrisy ain’t gonna work. A woman surrounded by armed bodyguards should not be bitchin’ about gun control.

African Union expects handsome & brave Black Moses. Not King with 40 mistresses. Not Malcolm X with no faith in finding his African ancestry. DNA & facial recognition traces all the Africans back to their home country. Ariana Rockefeller still believe in the big MERGE. Felipe Coronel, Immortal South American Union merging with African Union. Nelly first to speak the words “North American Dream” & the North American Union. EU expects Rex Europa. Washington turned down every opportunity to be a King to forge the Great Republic. He was an enlightened leader. Illuminated. Illuminate yourselves before it’s too late. GET SMART! Don’t be duh duh duh DUMB.

12 Replies to “Paris, Psyops & the African Union”

  1. Gates doesn’t ascend like he did during millenium…when he kicked me and Nelly out of 5d for caring about the poor and downtrodden. Maitreya Buddha reincarnation as some sort of molten rock that takes billions of years to ascend back into carnal form.

    Mozart’s prayer Kubrick put in EWS:

    Rex tremendae majestatis,
    qui salvandos salvas gratis,
    salva me, fons pietatis.

    King of tremendous majesty,
    who freely saves the elect,
    save me o fount of piety.

    Recordare Jesu pie,
    quod sum causa tuae viae,
    ne me perdas illa die.

    Remember, merciful Jesus,
    I am the cause of your journey,
    do not lose me on that day.

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