Paul Joseph Watson & Biological Clock Truth

eggs gone by age 30?
The Hunzas claim to be the descendants of Alexander the Great.


There is a community of 87,000 people living in the mountains of northern Pakistan who are secretly laughing on all of us who think that the average life expectancy of human beings is 60 years. The people of the Hunza community have an average life span of 120 years and in some cases they live up to 160 years. Thanks to their healthy way of life, they look young and beautiful even in the later years of their life. The women of the community can give birth till the age of 65. Surprised? So are we.No, the Hunzas are not from some other planet but their lifestyle proves how adopting a healthy approach to our lives can not only make us look more youthful but also improve our life expectancy greatly. The Hunzas claim to be the descendants of Alexander the Great. They came into being when Alexander conquered the area. They settled in the villages there and married among themselves.The Hunzas became popular after a member of the Hunza community, Said Abdul Mobudu, confused the immigration officers in London because his passport stated that his birth year was 1832. Researchers have now found the secrets behind the long life and beautiful skin of these people and they are simple AF.

13 Replies to “Paul Joseph Watson & Biological Clock Truth”

  1. Alanis Morissette always wanted to be a mother of three, but she never expected that dream to come true the way it has — with a surprise pregnancy at the age of 45.

  2. Clockwork Orange is a Dystopian vision of the end times (hetero) Alexander

    Alexander III the Great, the King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was inspiration for later conquerors such as Hannibal the Carthaginian, the Romans Pompey and Caesar, and Napoleon. Alexander was born in 356 BC in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was son of Philip II, King of Macedonia, and Olympias, the princess of neighboring Epirus.

    Alexander spent his childhood watching his father transforming Macedonia into a great military power, winning victory after victory on the battlefields throughout the Balkans. At age 12 he showed his equestrian skill to his father and all who were watching when he tamed Bucephalus, an unruly stallion horse, unable to be ridden and devouring the flesh of all who had tried. Plutarch writes:

    “Philip and his friends looked on at first in silence and anxiety for the result, till seeing him turn at the end of his career, and come back rejoicing and triumphing for what he had performed, they all burst out into acclamations of applause; and his father shedding tears, it is said, for joy, kissed him as he came down from his horse, and in his transport said, ‘O my son, look thee out a kingdom equal to and worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee’ ” (Alex. 6.8.).

    Olympias quotes. Olympias : The world is yours. Take it!… In my womb I carried my avenger!

  3. Angelina Jolie/Quotes

    What nourishes me also destroys me.

    Oh, God, I struggle with low self-esteem all the time! I think everyone does. I have so much wrong with me, it’s unbelievable!

    I don’t see myself as beautiful, because I can see a lot of flaws. People have really odd opinions. They tell me I’m skinny, as if that’s supposed to make me happy.

    9 months waiting for us to play “cashless monopoly” in psych

    didn’t even remove the plastic…nobody wanted to play

  4. Henry Kissinger — ‘Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.’

    I would like to acknowledge the ancestral lands of the First Nations;

    The 110,000 men and women currently deployed on UN peacekeeping operations;

    And the families of all those peacekeepers who have been killed in the line of duty.

    And I thank the Canadian government for hosting this event and for their leadership on women, peace and security.

    We meet at a time when peace is in short supply, with armed conflict in Myanmar, Syria, Iraq and Yemen — to name but a few of the worst examples — with over 65 million refugees and displaced people worldwide, and UN peacekeepers deployed on an unprecedented 15 operations.

    The protection of civilians has been at the heart of the laws of warfare since the Geneva conventions, which state that in any conflict, “the civilian population … shall not be the object of attack.”

    Yet women and children make up the vast majority of all casualties in armed conflict today.

    Laws prohibiting attacks on schools and hospitals are routinely breached, for instance, in Syria.

    Laws prohibiting the denial of aid to civilians are repeatedly ignored, whether in Rakhine State in Myanmar today, or in Yemen, where millions of people are facing death from starvation.

    And despite being prohibited by law, sexual violence continues to be employed as a tactic of war in 19 countries. It includes mass rape, gang rape, sexual slavery, and rape of as a form of torture, ethnic cleansing and terrorism.

    It has been 68 years since the Geneva Convention Fourth Protocol, which said that “women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honor, in particular against rape, enforced prostitution, or any form of indecent assault”.

    It has been 21 years since the UN first promised to address sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers, and to increase the numbers of women deployed on operations – yet the exploitation of defenseless civilians still takes place, and still less than four per cent of all peacekeepers are female.

    It has been 19 years since the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, stating that mass atrocities including rape and sexual slavery would not go unpunished, yet justice for survivors of rape is still the exception.

    And it has been 17 years since UN Security Council Resolution 1325 called for an end to the exclusion of women from peace negotiations, for special protection for women and girls against sexual violence, and for an end to impunity.

    We have to ask, how is it, after all these years, all these laws and resolutions and all the horrors endured, women still have to ask for this most basic of all entitlements: the right to a life free from violence?

    Sexual violence is everywhere – in the industry where I work, in business, in universities, in politics, in the military, and across the world. It affects men as well as women.

    However it is recognized by the UN one of the prime reasons why women remain in a subordinate position in relation to men in most parts of the world, and as a critical obstacle to achieving women’s equality and our full human rights.

    Ending gender-based violence is therefore a vital issue of social justice in all nations. And confronting its use in its most extreme form, as a weapon of war, is essential to future peace and security.

    I want to address three myths that I believe go to the heart of why these crimes still occur, that we have to overcome together.

    The first myth is that this behavior is sexual. All too often these kinds of crimes against women are laughed off, depicted as a minor offense by someone who cannot control themselves, as an illness, or as some kind of exaggerated sexual need.

    But a man who mistreats women is not oversexed. He is abusive.

    Only last week a trial opened in the Democratic Republic of Congo for 46 alleged cases of the rape of children by militia fighters, who had been told that blood of virgins would grant them supernatural protection. Some of the victims were 18 months old.

    According to the UN, almost every female Rohingya refugee in the camps in Bangladesh is either a survivor of sexual violence or a witness to multiple incidences of sexual assault, rape or gang‑rape. MSF has said that half of the patients it has treated for rape are under the age of 18, and one was just years old.

    This is rape and assault designed to torture, to terrorise, and to force people to flee.

    It has nothing to do with sex. It has everything to do with the abuse of power. It is criminal behavior.

    The second myth is that even when conflict-related sexual violence is clearly understood as a crime, it is treated as a lesser crime: an inevitable aspect of the breakdown of the social order. Not a central issue for peace negotiations or agreements. And not grave enough to mount prosecutions and imprison those responsible.

    But sexual violence is a weapon, used to deliberate effect, to achieve military or political objectives.

    It is cheaper than a bullet, and it has lasting consequences, that unfold with sickening predictability.

    I’d like to ask everyone here to take a moment to consider the following scenario:

    Imagine your hometown. The street where you live. A conflict has broken out in your country. One night, the trucks roll in and your street is surrounded and blocked off. Men with guns pour off those trucks and start breaking down doors. They go from house to house in your street, and in the course of that one night they rape every woman or girl they find, in front of their families. And possibly some of the men.

    Now think how you and your family would be affected. That night. The next day. For the months and years to come. The impact upon you all. The emotional pain and trauma. The stigma, the shame, the physical and mental illness.

    How broken you would feel that you were unable to stop this from happening to your family members. How bitter you would feel at being told, months or years later, that you have to move on and forget, because there is now a peace agreement and justice for your families is less important.

    This is the reality for millions of families today. It is happening day in and day out, and more often than not, we know about it. It is on our television screens and in our newspapers. Why then, does nothing really change?

    This brings me to the third myth, which is that even if we accept that sexual violence has nothing to do with sex, that it is a crime, and that it is used as a weapon, many people still believe that it is simply not possible to do anything about it.

    Look at how hard it is in our own societies, the argument goes. How could we possibly prevent sexual violence in the extreme conditions of war?

    It is hard, but it is not impossible. We have the laws, the institutions, and the expertise in gathering evidence. We are able to identify perpetrators and those responsible. What is missing is the political will.

    This brings me to the role of the military.

    There is nothing worse than someone in uniform harming the very civilians they are sent to protect.

    I’d like to believe that no one is angrier than you are when one of your own betrays their uniform and your values in this way.

    In the last few years I have seen a dramatic change in the willingness of military leaders to address the taboos around these issues, and to take action.

    In Kenya earlier this year I met peacekeepers from across the world receiving training, many for the first time, in how to identify and respond to sexual violence and to interact appropriately with survivors on UN peacekeeping missions.

    And many of the countries represented at this conference have made important new pledges.

    I thank you for these commitments and hope that they will be just a beginning.

    In doing this work, you will not only help to strengthen your societies and improve peacekeeping, but you will play your part in showing that no perpetrator is above the law and no survivor is beneath it.

    I am determined to do everything I can to support your efforts.

    Thank you.

  5. AJ is a victim…not an illuminati perpetrator

    On the off-chance that she didn’t make it in Hollywood, however, Jolie had an unusual backup plan: To be a funeral director. “It sounds like this very strange, eccentric, dark thing to do but in fact I lost my grandfather and was very upset with his funeral,” she told Bob Simon in a “60 Minutes” interview

    For the most part, the men of Bohemian Grove are over 50, highly successful, … The club offered a ‘Necrophilia’ theme room to its members.

  6. I’ll try some empty threats on these bonesmen and their NECRO room

    what if the Patriots ignite a nail bomb at your little “cremation of care”

    would that spoil your summer? I remember golgotha (the place of the Skull)

    a little bit of shock and awe from the Good Sheperd…

    “Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”

    ― Andrew Jackson

  7. Masked man enters, attacks Bohemian Grove / ‘Phantom’ expected armed resistance

    By Peter Fimrite Published 4:00 am PST, Thursday, January 24, 2002

    A bumbling, hooded commando calling himself the “Phantom Patriot” invaded the fabled grounds of the Bohemian Grove during the weekend hoping for a shootout.

    What he got was a good night’s sleep in a cot reserved for one of the club’s captains of industry and a date with a prison psychologist.

    Richard McCaslin, 37, of Carson City, Nev., pleaded not guilty in Sonoma County Superior Court yesterday to five felony counts including arson, burglary and brandishing a weapon at a peace officer after he allegedly sneaked into the exclusive Russian River encampment carrying an arsenal of weapons.

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