Psyops Commander Sheen

What is a PSYOP officer in the Army?

Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Soldiers benefit the Army’s missions by using unconventional techniques. Their intelligence, interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity, and foreign language proficiency help sway opinions and actions of foreign governments, groups, and individuals.


Commander Sheen has done some great Psyops. It’s up to brother Bruno if we do our American Tourism Psyop.

4 Replies to “Psyops Commander Sheen”

  1. Indeed I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference!

    — Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia


    u don’t know what justice looks like

    JESUS sent you his FATHER joseph

    GI JOE

    GOVERNMENT ISSUE paycheck joe

    THE FATHER is stricter than the son

    Father Jospeh is lookng for the resurrection relics

    the crown of thorns

    the holy ark

    the lance that pierced his side

    the NAILS

    911 was JUSTICE mr jones

    u just don’t know what JUSTICE LOOKS LIKE


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