Claim: The lab from which the coronavirus originated has a similar symbol as the lab responsible for a mass outbreak in the Resident Evil games.
Red Son's Pravda Blog
Claim: The lab from which the coronavirus originated has a similar symbol as the lab responsible for a mass outbreak in the Resident Evil games.
1972 ball pictures:
thank u agent visnjic
anything for U your holiness, papa lenny
It is common opinion that the House of Rothschild rules much of the Western world invisibly today, and has done so for one-to-two centuries on many fronts but especially in politics, commerce, technology, education and media outlets. The first Rothschild originated in a part of Germany where rulers were “illuminated” with the so-called “Age of Enlightenment” brought on by Rosicrucians…and by “first” I mean that “Rothschild” was not the family name until Mayer Bauer.
The Enlightenment has given the world modern democratic politics, the industrial revolution, highly-advanced science and technology, overwhelming knowledge, awesome communication possibilities, but all topped off with grief, plagues, horrors, evil and certain self-destruction because the Creator has either been eradicated from mainstream life, or pushed into corners of society and there degraded into a variety of persons or “somethings” that He is not. Great is the Lord in doing the right things, but we must not blame Him for the evils in this Rothschilian world. He will blame the rulers at the Appropriate Time, and they will have nothing to say in their defense when the damning evidence is a heap as high as the stars.
Mayer Bauer changed the name to “Rothschild” for a reason not generally known. I think he was an Ashkenazi Jew; Ashkenaz was a region in Magog where the so-called “red Jews” of Khazaria had ruled an empire on the north shores of the Black and Caspian seas. Several voices are now proclaiming that the Rothschilds, and most other Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars. But their Rothschild name may have been from a Rothes bloodline not necessarily indicative of Khazars, though it’s known that Khazars has some associations with Varangian Rus.
While the Jews of Khazaria had been the small minority among both Christian and Muslim citizens, they came to rule the Khazar empire absolutely. In 867 AD, Vikings from Scandinavia, the Varangians, appeared near Kiev (north shore of the Black Sea), and eventually took the city from the Khazars. For some years the invaders lived side by side with the Khazars, but thereafter they put the Khazars to flight, at roughly which time the phrase, “Ashkenazi Jew,” was heard for the first time in the regions of Germany and Hungary.
Arthur Koestler and some other researchers believe that the ruling Khazars were not true Hebrews, but instead Turks who had converted to Judaism. For this reason, Koestler and others suggest that the Ashkenazi Jews–over 90 percent of those who claim to be Jews today–are Turks who wrongly believe to be Jews. If Koestler is correct, then the conspiracy to control the world by international bankers is not a Jewish plot, but a Turkish one. Or, Hitler sent mainly Turks to concentration camps! And Turks now run the State of Israel!!
I disagree. As Koestler himself acknowledges, there were some true Hebrews in Khazaria. Moreover, Ezekiel 38:8 speaks on the 1948 re-occupation of Israel by the “house of Israel” (Ezekiel 39:23). And there are scores of prophecies elsewhere concerning the years just prior to Armageddon in which the eternal restoration of Israel is the subject, and where the peoples involved are unmistakably identified as the bloodline of Jacob.
Koestler tells of a certain Khazar king named “Joseph,” who, although suspected of being a Hebrew by the Jews of western Europe, claimed otherwise in a letter to them…claiming that his fathers were descended from the seventh son of Togarmah, named “Khazar.” Now Togarmah was a son of Gomer, and Gomer was a son of Japheth (i.e. not Shem), wherefore it is impossible for the Judaic rulers of Khazaria to have been Hebrews by blood if they were descended from Togarmah. Koestler and others should perhaps entertain the possibility that Joseph might have been lying to the European Jews in order to protect himself, and all other Khazar Jews, from the sort of Vatican persecution that the European Jews had been under, and would again and again be inflicted with.
Note that after the second Vatican Crusade against Jerusalem (1147-49), which was a Templar-led flop, some Jews of Khazaria organized a Zionist movement of their own which also involved a siege of Jerusalem (that never happened). Arthur Koestler puts in this way:
“In the twelfth century there arose in Khazaria a Messianic movement, a rudimentary attempt at a Jewish crusade, aimed at the conquest of Palestine by force of arms. The initiator of the movement was a Khazar Jew, one Solomon ben Duji (or Ruhi or Roy), aided by his son Menahem and a Palestinian scribe. ‘They wrote letters to all the Jews, near and far, in all the lands around them…They said that the time had come in which God would gather Israel, His people from all lands to Jerusalem, the holy city, and that Solomon Ben Duji was Elijah, and his son the Messiah'” (
Clearly, this Khazar-Jew Zionism was an attempt to set the stage for the Biblical Millennium (would Turks have gone to these lengths?). I have sought any evidence whatsoever to show whether or not Solomon ben Duji had been connected to the Templars/Crusaders and their brand of Zionism. I can find nothing either way, even though his twelfth-century thrust coincided with the second Crusade. What seems certain is that Khazar Zionism was the very task picked up centuries later by the Bauers, who, as the House of Rothschild, would eventually succeed in creating an official Jewish nation around Jerusalem, but not until 1948.
Note that, in Ezekiel 38:8, God does not take credit for the 1948 re-instatement of Jews in the land of Israel, because, in my opinion, God merely had to withdraw His hand, at the appointed time, to allow his Jewish enemies to succeed in their flesh-powered brand of Zionism. These Jews were not relying on God, nor waiting on Him, but were bankers, lovers of money, and desirous of grand political power. Mayer Rothschild (the first Rothschild) was himself a banker who had wormed his way into the affairs of one of the wealthiest men of Europe, prince William of Hesse-Hanau. William’s brother (Karl) was a leader in European Freemasonry.
Almost certainly, as is claimed by others, the Bavarian Illuminati grew out of the Enlightenment movement. The Illuminati, being a Jew-based organization, could not be an integral part of the Ros(e) Line (i.e. the Aryan sector of the Rosicrucian cult). We’d thereby expect the two Illuminatii to be in mortal conflict at some point, and indeed we do see them at war in the 20th century wherein the Nazis — an Aryan branch of Theosophist Rosicrucians, and moreover supported by the Hesse royal family — were persecuting Rothschilds.
No sooner after the French Revolution had the House of Rothschild become the wealthiest family in Europe that, in 1822, the hexagram (six-pointed star) was incorporated upon the Rothschild coat of arms. Or so I read online without proper evidence. Yet, it’s the symbol on the Israeli flag, if that serves as evidence. It is some hard evidence of Hebrew fingers active within Rosicrucianism’s highest orders that the same star is sported by both Rosicrucians (e.g. AMORC) and the State of Israel. It is believed by some researchers that this “Star of David” (also masked as “Shield of David” and “Seal of Solomon”) was not a symbol relating to either the Biblical King David nor Solomon, but to Solomon ben Duji the Khazar, and his son, David al-Roy. Some websites do not identify them as Khazars, but in any case read this from Arthur Koestler:
“David al-Roy was assassinated – apparently in his sleep, allegedly by his own father-in-law…But the cult did not stop there. According to one theory, the six-pointed “shield of David,” which adorns the modern Israeli flag, started to become a national symbol with David al-Roy’s crusade. ‘Ever since,’ writes Baron, ‘it has been suggested, the six-cornered “shield of David”, theretofore mainly a decorative motif or a magical emblem, began its career toward becoming the chief national-religious symbol of Judaism…it was attributed to David in mystic and ethical German writings from the thirteenth century on, and appeared on the Jewish flag in Prague in 1527.’ Baron appends a qualifying note to this passage, pointing out that the connection between al-Roy and the six-pointed star still awaits further elucidation and proof.”
I’m convinced because it seems to make for more fantasy than reality to trace the symbol to the Biblical David. As the hexagram was called the “Shield of David,” we may suspect that it had everything to do with Mayer Bauer naming himself “Red Shield,” as they say? Even prior to Mayer’s birth, the Shield-of-David star was red when used as a logo by Jewish printers in Prague (as early as the 15th century). Because Benjamin Disraeli (a leading Zionist) wrote in honor of David Alroy, I have no fear in making a hard Zionist-star connection to the Alroy thrust.
Here’s the Roten surname sporting a white hexagram on red shield, and then load “Rothschild” at that link’s page to see that the surname is listed with RODDENsteins while using the bend of Roddens/Rodhams as an arrow, an Arms-of-Rothschild symbol. Compare the latter’s five arrows with Bauer-like Bowers, indicating that Mayer Bauer descended from Bowers and carried their symbol into his Rothschild family, yet the family tells a tale on where those arrows originated. The Roten-like Roets share the motto of Bower-like Bows/Boughs, and the latter likewise have the five bunched Rothschild / Bower arrows. Likely, those arrows of both Bowers and Bows/Boughs predated Mayer Bauer.
The modern Israeli equivalent to the International Red Cross is called “Red Shield of David, UK” (Hebrew: “Magen David Adom, UK”), and was initially founded in “a shop on the corner of Rothschild and Nahalat Benyamin Streets [Tel Aviv 1930]”
Surely the British Rothschilds had everything to do with this organization’s inception…but why? What did they want blood for? Sometimes I wonder if humanitarian organizations aren’t primarily used as spy agencies, for how better to become wholly invasive than to act as an enemy’s best friend? Rosicrucians have been infiltrators, not a very nice word, but I’m sure they pride themselves for their successes in this ratty craft. The fools gain the world but give up their souls.
The Magen David website tells us that the hexagram “was used by Jews for decoration and appeared as an official Jewish symbol for the first time in 1354 when the Jewish community in Prague [Germany] received the right to have a flag of its own and chose the Shield of David…” “Decoration” my foot.
How do Rosicrucians and Rothschilds both use the hexagram as their symbols? The theory repeated online by writers is that a certain Richard Bauer had found a means to convert lead or mercury to gold in the process of alchemy. Whether this fantastic discovery is true or not is not the point, but rather that this Bauer was likely an early Rosicrucian because Rosicrucians would thereafter come to have alchemy as one of their main insignia. If per chance Richard Bauer (about 15th century) was an ancestor of the Rothschilds (Mayer = 18th century), then the Rothschilds look like Jewish / Khazar Rosicrucians.
Could the essence of early Rosicrucianism have been a Jewish-Aryan alliance? That is, an alliance between Marano Jews (also called “neo-Christians”) and Aryans? The Maranos were persecuted violently by the Inquisition, after all, and the anti-Vatican position of the Rosicrucians could thereby be partially explained. Many Aryan peoples had been a sort of Marano people too, as they had “converted” to Catholicism, not sincerely, but by force of Vatican armies. For an excellent example of a Jewish-Anglo partnership involving the Rothschilds, note that the first Rothschild, Mayer, “was appointed financial agent of the British government during the French revolutionary wars”
Marano Jews were freed from Vatican persecution as a direct result of the French Revolution, and one wonders if this war wasn’t waged by the Bavarian Illuminati for that very reason. The Rothschilds became the head of French Jews thereafter. For example, during the Revolution, the Consistoire Central of French Israelis was formed (1791) to represent and advance Jewish issues, with French Rothschilds acting as Presidents for multiple generations.
Vatican Jews go back to the Pierleoni smack near Vatican Hill itself. In conjunction with Godfrey III the Bearded (11th century), Pierleoni are highly suspect (by me) as the founders of the first Crusade with its Templarism. I don’t know the details of their plots, but this much I know.
At Edinburgh (very near Roslin) there was built the palace, Holyrood House (early records read as “Halyrod,” not “Holyrood”). The official line is that “Holyrood” means “holy rod” and refers to the cross of Christ. In what sounds like a tale, it is said that queen-to-be Margaret (11th century) brought from Hungary to Scotland a piece of the actual cross of Christ; that sounds like a typical cover up to keep Christian rulers happily unsuspecting of a reality. As Margaret’s descendants included HENRY Huntingdon, “Rod” can refer to Henry rulers of Rodez that predated him. Later, Hugh IV of Rodez (13th century) was the husband of Isabeau Roquefeuil, the proto-Rockefellers. He birthed Henry II, count of Rodez, who in turn birthed “Valpurge…lady of Roquefeuil.”
The Rodez rulers above are said to have ruled CREYsell, and it just so-happens that Catherine Roet descended from Croys or Groys, I can’t recall which, but they are both listed with Crey-like Greys, the latter said to be first found in Northumberland with Roddens/RODhams! There we go. Hillary Rodham Clinton is of the line that established Rothschilds. The Arms of Rothschild at the link above shares the quadrants of Fasts, and the Greys/Croys/Groys use a “fast” motto code. The Greys share the Ross lion, in colors reversed from the Russell lion.
The Russell clan of Scotland was originally a Jewish family from Germany, known then as the “Roesels,” alternatively “Rosel” and “Rossel.” A king of the Varangian Rus, Vladimir I, conquered a red land (Galicia), that came to be known as “Red Rus,” and he was called “Vladimir the Red Sun.” That looks equivalent to calling him the “Red God.”
When I first began to suspect the Russell bloodline as having some significance in the Rose-Line cult, I did not know that the Skull and Bones club in the United States was incorporated as the Russell Trust Fund (1856). But in that case, what others are saying, that a certain Russell family is one of the top thirteen Illuminati families today, may just be true. Skulls and Bones (the two surnames) have similar Shields, with Skulls have lion heads in the colors of the Ross lions. Ross-shire is where the Rose clan lived, and this Jewish Rothchild Coat shows roses, you see, as well as the same bend (diagonal bar) as Skulls. Rosicrucians look like they loved the Rose bloodline. Note the gold hexagram in the Rothchild Coat, in both colors of the WEIS hexagram, as well as the hexagram of Pierleoni-suspect Pero’s. The BAVARian Illuminati was founded visibly by Adam WEIShaupt during the lifetime of Mayer BAUER. I’d say it was secretly the, Bauerian Illuminati.
I suspect that pastor Charles Russell, founder of the Zion Tract Society (and root of the Jehovah’s-Witnesses cult), had been working more closely with the British Rothschilds than the world was supposed to know. He worked openly in support of Zionism when the British and French Rothschilds were spearheading the re-settlement of Jews in the Holy Land. He was quite successful in motivating Jews to resettle because he did not attempt to convert them to Christ…a strategy that the Rothschilds would have favored. In 1914, as his part in Rothschild Zionism, Russell announced that God would bless all Jews who would thenceforth return to the Holy Land.
It is too difficult for me to see as a coincidence Russell’s prediction of Armageddon and the return of Jesus for 1914, the very year that turned out to be the first of World War I; it’s as though Russell knew it beforehand. Britannica put it this way: From 1877 he preached that Christ’s second advent would be invisible, that the end of the Gentile times would come in 1914, followed by war between capitalism and communism or socialism, after which God’s Kingdom by Christ would rule the whole earth” (1970; Vol. 19, page 770). Rothschilds tried to set up a fake Millennium in 1917? Would they be that stupid, that demonic, that arrogant?
While the phrase, “communism or socialism,” would seem to refer to Communist Russia, that entity was not yet born when Russell was making the prediction. Because the Rothschilds, from the 1880s onwards, were bringing the socialist Fabian societies to fruition, the Americans were perhaps supposed to have lost the war for the Allies so that, after the War, Russia under the Fabian societies could arise as world rulers. Frightening thought.
As Rothschilds are implicated in the installation of so-called “Red Jews” into Russia power, in 1917 (still during the War), and also due to the fact that a global government (i.e. the League of Nations) was being desperately sought by the Rothschilds, using the War as a reason for its need, I and many others suspect strongly that the international Rothschilds started the War itself, and manipulated events toward their goals as much as possible.
A study of that War, with the end-goal of conquering Russia in mind, brings out the following conclusions: that the German Rothschilds fomented the war for a generation previous to 1914 through German media outlets; that the English Rothschilds, in support of the German Rothschilds, permitted only as many English soldiers onto the Belgium-French scene as were needed to check/stalemate the German advance into France but not to defeat it until the Germans had defeated Russia; that the English Rothschilds through their agents Woodrow Wilson and his ambassador, Edward House, kept the Americans out of the war until (April 1917) after the Bolsheviks had seized the Russian reigns of rule by a coup (Mar. 1917); that the Germans, even though they had defeated the Russian military by the autumn of 1917, and therefore should have, and could have, taken the country, instead decided on a peace treaty (Dec. 1917) with the Rothschild agents (i.e. the Bolsheviks) then in Russian power; and that German Rothschilds together with the British Rothschilds began putting an end to the war immediately after the peace treaty by setting German public opinion against war on the one hand, and on the other hand by suddenly turning the western Allies, until then a lame lot, into a powerhouse that easily repelled the Germans into a steady retreat until they gave up in defeat (late 1918).
Now the English were a lame lot for the first three years and more of the War; Britannica says that they could have halted the German advance quickly in the Belgium-French arena had they come out all at once with most of their forces, and yet they came in dribs and drabs. While the English appeared as though they couldn’t afford men in Belgium or France, how is it that they had men to spare for the purpose of conquering both Jerusalem and Babylon, including Baghdad? It’s clear in my mind that the Middle East was as much the Rothschild target as was Russia, for the two went hand in hand in their global-government scheme.
Behold, in November of 1917, as the Russian Rothschilds were on the verge of signing a peace treaty with the Germans, the British Foreign Secretary, a Fabian co-conspirator, and occult-loving buddy of the Rothschilds, Arthur Balfour, writes a letter to Lord Lionel Rothschild asking him to accept his Declaration wherein the Jews could be re-instated into their ancient homeland. In the very next month, the English conquer Jerusalem. Then, just after the War, the Rothschilds set up a Foreign Affairs office in Britain and in the United States, with more to come in other nations, and filled them with Illuminatists under their care and watch…having the job of ratcheting the governments of the world into submission to the Rothschild plan for Globalism. So, you see, the restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land is part and parcel with the establishment of the Rothschild New World Order…because that New Order is intended to be the Biblical Millennium as per a Jewish-occult vision.
Winston Churchill was lord of the British admiralty when the first World War started. Just days before the War began, he, “on his own responsibility, ordered the naval mobilizations which guaranteed complete readiness when war was declared,” and, “In Oct. 1914, when Antwerp was falling, he characteristically rushed in person to organize its defense…” (Britannica, 1970, Vol. 5, page 748). This zeal on behalf of Britain and against the Germans was not conducive to the will of the Rothschilds, wherefore, behold, Churchill was soon replaced as lord of the admiralty (May 1915) by the good buddy of the Rothschilds, Arthur Balfour! So, you see, the Rothschilds had not a few political puppets in the Parliament to make things work their way.
The Roets were also Beauforts (same lion as Ross’), and we then note the Belfou variation of English Beauforts, who happen to share the same chevron as Balfours. So, you see, Mr. Balfour was Rothschilian “family.” Balfours even use an otter while Otters/Others (proto-Windsors) were first found in Huntingdonshire i.e. possibly from the Holyrood bloodline mentioned above. While Burleys/BOURleys share the green Shield with Bowers and Bauers, here’s the Burley write-up: “Burleigh Castle is located near the village of Milnathort, in Perth and Kinross, Scotland and dates from the 15th and 16th centuries. It was held by the Balfours from 1446.”
It seems that the entire 1914-scheme started rolling its wheels in the 1880s, for it was at about that time also that the Rothschilds began to settle Russian Jews into the Holy Land. And see here what the American Hebrew Magazine said just after the War:
“The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order of the world” (Sept. 10, 1920)
Many other Jewish and non-Jewish sources agreed. In the same year (1920), Winston Churchill wrote the following in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (Note: Sparticus was a Bavarian-Illuminati chief):
“From the days of SPARTICUS (Adam Weishaupt) to Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela-Kuhn, Rose Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy has been STEADILY growing. This conspiracy has played a definitively recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire”
(Quoted from The Missing Dimension in World Affairs, Goy, p. 92). (Caps mine)
Clearly, Churchill was, at least initially, opposed to the Rothschild Illuminati. Modern socialism was evident in the mind of Weishaupt, and who knows but that it was perhaps patterned after Jewish-ruled Khazaria. We find Weishaupt’s socialism a generation after him in another German Jew, Karl Marx, who, as an apostate, became as Satanic as was Weishaupt. Marx was financed by the Rothschilds, say some websites on the topic.
From his training in France and England, Marx developed his “personal” Communistic ideals and wrote the Communist Manifesto, although we can estimate quite rightly that these ideas, in reality based on dictatorial rule that no one wanted, were “refined” for public dissemination. The following letter by Baruch Levy, to Marx, reflects Weishaupt’s dictatorial socialism in a Zionistic format:
“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this “new world order” the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands” (from `La Revue de Paris’, p. 574, June 1, 1928,
But let’s go back prior to Marx, and prior even to the Bavarian Illuminati, to see the deeper root of this movement. Frederick II, king of Prussia (died 1786), while confessing Catholicism publicly, was an atheist to his close associates, and moreover was a so-called “Illuminated Despot,” meaning that he ruled by Age-of-Enlightenment philosophies that had flowed from Rosicrucian movements. Britannica says that “He made the Prussia of his day a model state of ‘enlightenment despotism'” (1970: Vol. 9; page 831).
Frederick was a friend of Voltaire, the principal leader of the Enlightenment, who himself promoted Illuminated Despotism in France, and whose goal it was to undermine the powers of monarchs and Christianity. Frederick was influenced by Voltaire when the latter lived in Prussia (1751) at Frederick’s invitation. It should also be said that Voltaire was staying in Frankfurt in 1753, where he was arrested by Frederick. Mayer, who lived in Frankfurt, was just nine years old at the time, but, the question is, what effect did Voltaire have on the Jews of Frankfurt that Mayer could later pick up and run with?
Indeed, it’s a good question, for it is said by some that the Bavarian Illuminati copied from Voltaire. That seems likely, as the principles of Enlightened Despotism–representative government, liberalism, humanism, toleration of religion, and freedom of the press–were the same principles forced upon France by the Bavarian/Rothschild Illuminati during the French Revolution (1789 and onward)…and are obviously the very principles in our midst today in most of the Western world. I realize that these principles are not Communism, but wouldn’t it suggest that Communism and Capitalism were both born within Illuminati think tanks, each one a scheme to rob the peoples? The Hohen bloodline of Frederick was at odds with the Templars during the First Crusade (1096-99), when that surname sat on the throne of the Roman empire, and it may be that it and the Templars formed divergent Illuminatii. At the website of the “Voltaire Society of America,” we read:
The chief purpose of THE VOLTAIRE SOCIETY OF AMERICA INCORPORATED is to foster the spirit of the Enlightenment, tolerance and respect for the rights of the individual as exemplified by the life of Voltaire and as reflected in the beliefs of his contemporaries, the founders of the United States [this is like when a fishing company is selling mercury-laden fish but advertising it as the healthiest food].
Our projects now include the presentation of lectures and the creation of educational materials [we have seen what it’s all led to, looming-disaster for the West] such as a video on Voltaire and Jefferson… (
Because some members of Charles Russell’s family had been proclaiming him to be someone very special in the eyes of God, chosen from birth, who knows but that this is indication that Illuminatists had been planning to use a Russell at the helm of their New World Order. Russell had denounced all denominations but his own, and had called his organization “International Bible Students Association,” as though anticipating a global teaching career in which he would become renown as the spiritual giant of the world. In fact, he claimed to be an angel in the book of Revelation. Charles was a nutty pyramidologist, and a Freemason, if that tells you how qualified he was to be an Illuminatist.
One of the original nine Templars was named, “Rossal.” And behold, for years, the Chairman of the Rosslyn Chapel Restoration Committee has been an Andrew Russell. Coincidence? Might “Roslin” itself have been named after the Rossals? The Sinclairs of Roslin were Henrys, and queen Margaret above, the one of HalyROD house, had as her cub-bearer, Henry Sinclair of Roslin. I wonder where those Henry names descended from. This page says that Solomon, son of King Andrew I, married Sophia, a daughter of emperor Henry III, who died in 1056, the year before Margaret’s husband became the king. Roussillon is a French region south of Rodez.
Rodez is near Toulouse, where French Raymonds were from, and then while William Gellone was the count of Toulouse, English Raymonds (rose) share the fleur-de-lys of Gellone’s. Henry II of Rodez (mentioned above) was the son of a daughter of RAYMOND of Roquefeuil. ROQUEfeuil is in the Aude part of Roussillon, explaining the “AUDax” motto term of ROXburghs, and explaining also the “AUDacter” motto term of Pollocks, builders of Rothes castle (Spey river). RODs and Rocks both use treFOILs, and Rocks share rooks with Rooks and Rooksbys while the Roxburgh write-up has: “The Yorkshire family originally spelt their name Rooksby and sometimes as Rokeby”. Now you know some of the surnames from the Rodez-Roquefeuil marriage. Gillings are listed with Gellone’s, and the Rookby write-up has: “The surname Rooksby was first found in Yorkshire at Rokeby, a parish, in the union of Teesdale, wapentake of GILLING-West”.
Henry Drummond the Hun
The man who founded the church that founded pre-tribulationism
claimed to be descended from the Magyars of Hungary,
who were themselves a branch of Huns.
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Pre-Tribulation Planning for a Post-Tribulation Rapture