Sharon Stone’s Gift

Sharon brought the NEW POPE a gift of shoes while i was in a coma. So i made her a video in return.

psalm 60

and psalm 108

Let’s watch Monty Python vs Brian Go Lightly Marshall

EX Pope Ratzinger sez Brian is the New Pope.


What should you believe? Dare to think for yourself. Sapere Aude.

5 Replies to “Sharon Stone’s Gift”

  1. i got a guy ariana grande’s height….a cardinal in the novus ordo church…we are all sinners not just gays…brian go lightly is an unjust judge who thinks he is without sin

    Freddie has to humble himself if he wants to go to church with us…no vanity at church….it’s not a fashion show….thats the deal freddie….

  2. i never told them i was Jesus, i said i was Moshiach ben david, jesus protege

    THERE’s a difference….jesus is a mentor to all of us…SO ARISE A CHRIST

    even the girls, like Jann Arden song.

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