Brad Pitt the 9/11 Prophet

GROUND ZERO & Economic Equilibrium
Marla Singer = Nelly Furtado Forum pre 9/11…the singer


Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter = Rothschild Family)….The Rothschild motto is “I WAS BORN INTO THIS SHIT” and “THE SHOW MUST GO ON”

Brad Pitt & The Bruce Lee Effect

Brad PItt is like Bruce Lee after fight club…everyone challenges him to a fight


BP’s real nemesis is the tabloids. I watched the tabloids destroy every relationship he’s ever had.

Brad Pitt’s Joe Black Oscar

bill Gates on Depopulation
Tarantino movie looked crappy…what caught the stonecutters eye to give oscar to BP?

dance of death was what caught the oscar fixers eye
Corona virus made him shake on Oscar stage…12 monkeys shizer


BP is like football captain of Hollywood…without the stars no change is possible…but there are problems with the stars…vanity greed lust is what is sold

Ned wonders what Pitt Lake’s fate is…If the Sturgeon will survive the eutrophication…ned wants tree planters…joe wants weed planters