Arrest the money monopoly power brokers at the top.
I can’t do this because of DIRECTIVE 4
Red Son's Pravda Blog
Arrest the money monopoly power brokers at the top.
I can’t do this because of DIRECTIVE 4
1982 the New Oracle in Bosnia:
Mary told the 6 children to create the pilgrimage for Peace in the Balkans (The pawns of the Great Powers, Russia & USA)
the masonic men of 666 want to desecrate her churches with their satanic child abuse:
The EU mafia called the firefighters to our churches…because the Police put us on hold when we call…the FOP Fraternal order of police don’t protect us…so we don’t go to cops…there i broke the EU mafia omerta to bring you the message. Cops don’t belive in God, the think they are Gods that are above the law….we’ll you ain’t above ours…there is no justice just us.
anges dei
dona eis pax
et requiem
So where did the name Hell’s Angels really come from? The motorcycle club’s official history says it comes from a World War II veterans.
A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test.
Watch Johnny Depp in “From Hell” to see how the Illuminati keep the cops under control. The Fraternal Order of Police turns a blind eye to the child abuse for Judas Coins/Loonies.
Deus Meus
Dona eis veritas
at lux aeterna