The Same Borat who Ratted on…

the same croat/borat that ratted on organized JEW
yes the same borat/croat who hacked the WTC nest of JEWS


Kick a Jew Banker day was a BLAST

is it really too soon to make a 911 joke?

jokes about 911 bring me down faster than a controlled demoliton

The Secret of Borat’s Locusts

BORAT THE CROAT flying locusts
locust play hero who shot the bad guy. daddy warbucks war machine like mr. burns in the simpsons. blocking out the sun so u use oil.

saitnt john saw it…rev 9 smoke like a huge furnace. oil fields on firel. flying jets/locusts

Drone pilot will shoot u down cruise. no limit on G’s like humanoid


plagues of flying locusts rev 9. wouldn’t hurt u to read it over neo.