Waiting For The G Empress

Europa regina, Latin for Queen Europe, is the map-like depiction of the European continent as a queen.


Elizabeth Nash, in the London Independent (March 2, 2004):

ISABELLA, QUEEN of Castile, the monarch who unified Spain and sent Christopher Columbus to discover America, was also the inspiration for the figure of the queen in modern chess.

The Arabs brought chess to Spain when they invaded it in the eighth century, but it was not until the late fifteenth century, when Queen Isabella was at the height of her powers, that the queen become the most powerful piece, according to research by chess historians.

“In its original form, the equivalent of the queen was male, a piece known in Spanish as alferza, from the Persian, meaning something like vizier or adjutant,” said Govert Westerveld, a Dutch chess historian and former youth champion who lives in Spain.

“The figure was weak, and its movements limited. Later, around 1475, when Isabella was crowned queen of Castile, the figure became female but able to move only one square at a time, like the king. Not until 1495, when Isabella was the most powerful woman in Europe, were the present rules of chess established, in which the queen roams freely in all directions on the board,” Dr Westerveld said yesterday.

Chess has always reflected the real world, says Dr Westerveld, who presented his book on the evolution of modern chess in Valencia last week.

It was, he said, no accident that the appearance of the first female chess piece, bearing a crown, sword and sceptre, coincided with the emergence of Queen Isabella, who astonished Europe with her powers of leadership, bravery and determination.

The game of chess represents a battle, a confrontation between two armies, in which the king is flanked by his castles, his bishops (originally elephants) and his cavalry, while the ranks of pawns represent the peasants or footsoldiers in the front line. The game was hugely popular throughout al-Andalus, as Moorish Spain was known, and reflected the constant clashes between rival Arab kingdoms, and between Christian warrior knights and the occupying “infidels”.

The theory goes that these real-life warriors found the pace of chess too slow, so the queen was given more freedom of movement, combining the powers of the castle and the bishop. This loosened up the opening moves, gave more variety to the middle game and transformed the endgame by enabling a pawn to become queen on the final square. All this hastened the moment of checkmate, when “the king dies”.

Jose Antonio Garzon, a Valencian historian who works with Dr Westerveld, said a Valencian poem called “Lovers’ Chess”, written in 1475, the year of Isabella’s coronation, described for the first time the present day moves of the queen on the chessboard. The work is an allegory that describes a complete game of chess, and includes explicit allusions to the royal court of the time.

War in Europe: Part I – Cui bono?


Many argue that Mr. Breivik was in fact executing orders from Mossad, to punish the Palestine-loving Marxist-governed Norway, but first and foremost to create a false banner for misinformed right-wing extremists to unite under, and that what he was doing was a “false flag” operation.

His manifest is vast, some 1500 pages, and he is pretty thorough in both what he says and what he did. There are a few facts that doesn’t make sense to me. How can he list all the problems caused by different Jews in our history and yet fail to mention even one of them with a single word in his manifest? He attacks the symptoms of the disease Europe is suffering under, but not the cause of the disease.

He is a Freemason too, and that certainly doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Freemasonry is international Jewry at it’s worst; they too are working for a de-construction of all nations on Earth, and to build a global Hebrew temple, enslaving us all under the will of the Jews and their servants, the Freemasons. Well, this explains why he doesn’t say a word about the creators of all the different religions and ideologies now set up to fight against each other.

He is a Christian too. Now, in a sense that does make sense, but why does it make sense? The Jews created Christianity as a religion for non-Jews to follow, so that they too would become worshippers of their Hebrew false “God”, so that the unruly Pagan Europeans would become servants and a powerful tool for the Jews. Whether the Jews created Islam too, or whether they just saw an opportunity coming when it was created is not known, but we do know that the Jews have always promoted conflict between these two religions and indeed they still do. When the Christians grow too strong the Jews support the Muslims to weaken the Christians. When the Muslims grow too strong the Jews support the Christians to weaken the Muslims. They often support both sides too, if both sides are too strong, and they often do in secret. Christians then kill Muslims, and vice versa, whilst the Jews laugh safely in the background, profiting from it all.

Mr. Breivik either went straight into their trap, like so many Christians have done in the past and still do, or he works knowingly for them, again like so many Christians have done in the past and still do. The Christians and the Muslims, ladies and gentlemen, are but soldiers/cannon fodder for the Jews in their mission to enslave us all under their rule.

What Mr. Breivik has said is largely true, in all except in what he doesn’t say; he doesn’t tell us that the Jews are the origin to all these problems, and that they were created by the Jews to hurt us. All we have to do to make this act of violence favourable to us is to make this clear to everyone; the Jews created Marxism, feminism, Christianity (need I tell you that Jesus and not least Paulus/Saul were both Jews?), so-called psychology, banking (“money lending”), the hippie-movement and all other ideologies and movements which are aimed to destroy and de-construct all nations in Europe. Behind each and every one of them you will find a Jew (or some times a Freemason)!

How could you miss that out, Mr. Breivik?

Working for the Jews, are you Mr. Breivik, to unite all European right-wing extremists under your false banner? To make sure the focus on the Jewish enemy of Europe is moved to something else? Or maybe you don’t even know that you have been used by sinister Jews?

So now not only Christians kill Muslims, and vice versa. Right wing extremists are supposed to kill left-wing extremists too and vice versa I assume? Is that the plan? You did this to recruit and make even the right-wing extremists fight for the Jews?

Who benefits from this? Israel does! The Jews do! None of our aggression will be directed at them were it all should be directed. We will be fighting each other instead, whilst they move about in the background, out of the spotlight, and profit from our suffering, and in secret tighten the chains of slavery around our waists and ankles.

Oh, and by the way; true nationalists don’t kill children of their own nation, even if someone tries to brainwash them, like AUF did. They were not (yet) Marxist extremists; they were just children.

Varg Vikernes
Bergen the 24th of July 2011

PS. You are free to send this article to everyone you know, and I hope you do. Translate it and publish it if you can. I claim no copyright or reproduction right to the contents of this article!

Gilad Atzmon: Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?

Anders Breivik, Norwegian Terror Suspect, Admirer of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman

Zionist Terrorism in Norway

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Eurabia 2050

“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

– Brother Leader Mu’ammar Al-Qaddafi (PBUH)