Healing Bruce Willis’ Shoulder

i have same shoulder injury from Bar Brawl


The Ethiopians could heal their sword injuries through faith (or alien intervention)

Why Taylor Swift is one of the G.O.A.T. S

There is a difference between The GOATS & the G.O.A.T.S

the goats of the last judgment are the wicked evil illuminati/freemason armies of the dark….the G.O.A.T. entertainers of the end of days are the “Greatest of all Time”…at the end of time….at the end of days….when their light shall save us all

Joe Alwyn and I are part of the 7th Psychological Operations under General Joe Dunford.
We tried to serve under Mark Dice AKA John Connor, head of the Resistance, but he seems to be stuck in the right left Political paradigm.


Before the music was controlled by the Big 6 they would spit on us GI Joe’s. My time in a past life in “The Nam”. Charlie Sheen thinks he served in “The Nam”. Psychs treat him special cuz he is of the Jewish religion.



can paint anyone in a positive or negative light.