Angelina & Special Needs
“I think that, so often, when a story’s told which says ‘this is a strong woman’, she has to beat the man, or she has to be like the man, or she has to somehow not need the man,” Jolie told journalists at the film’s launch.
Referring to her own character in the film and Princess Aurora, played by Elle Fanning, Jolie said: “We both very much need and love and learn from the men.
“And so I think that’s also an important message for young girls, to find their own power, but to respect and learn from the men around them.”
She added: “We have strong women, but the character that is wrong in the film and has to be taken out is also a woman. We show very diverse types of women between our characters, but also we have extraordinary men in the film, and I really want to press that point.”
— ANGELina quote
Why does Trump want the UN bankrupt? So he can wage his illegal wars without UN condemnation. U gotta laugh or cry…or go long as your not afraid of these NWO manciacs… trumps war machine casino ….new chosen one trump….w and obama not enough…
de·nounce/dəˈnouns/Learn to pronounceverb
- publicly declare to be wrong or evil.”the Assembly denounced the use of violence”
Sheeple lifestyle is bogus. Need that Madonna holiday instead of Trump Card slavery making lightbulbs that always burn out. WE DENOUNCE U TRUMP!!! U aren’t a God Emperor Trump.
UN is America’s only chance for peace with Russia & China. This is a nuke war trump…Bog’s hand wants to poison your water with Plutonium but it already has Chromium 6.
How the mighty empire has fallen. Fallen Army from DU & Anthrax vaccines. How the Orange idiot has fallen. With his BS patriots like PJW, Alex Jones and Mark Dice. Real Lucifer is old man Rothschild not Bono, Jagger or Me. A man of wealth and taste u don’t denounce cuz u r hooked on his Judas sheckels. But I’ll keep spreading Lucifer rumors to divide and conquer your Mystery Babylon like the Troubles in Ireland.
So go ahead and wage your Civil War like former YUGO broken up by the CIA. I’ll follow Kissinger’s MAD war policy, like Nixon in the Nam with his finger on the button.