Bill Gates/Getz

Bill Gats/Getz is trying to go reach God mode gangster status


The Gates/Getz) family is related to my character leo in Lethal Weapon 7. The Getz family is part of the Good Shepherd skull & bones DIO mode gangsters….cocaine and heroin trafficking on a world monopoly scale. I’m just a blue collar guy trying to make some extra bucks. These guys print the bucks. So i’m asking, “Do i get into heaven?”. I know i shot spider, but that got him the job on the Sopranos.

Veronica Zemanova & Illuminati Sex Kittens Truth

illuminati triangle on head. real slav white space christ took her through the bill Gates of the 5th dimension. Gates is the skull & Bones mad scientist family. Like Dr Gates in the 1800’s.
rothscar takes any lioness he wants. He wants picture on the NYC pride rock fugazi johnny nucleo SCTV tower. everything rothscars architects build is a fugazi. like ronco knives on rothvision


how to reproduce. eyes wide shut slavs usually marry their handlers. these pornstar never reproduce. Trump is prime example of the Nicole Kidman movie stepford wife.


christ cross is supposed to protect her.from illuminati rothscar pyramid

Metallica frontman James Hetfield got in touch with Vancouver Island resident Dee Gallant after she used the song ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ to scare mountain lion.


  1. 1.courageous behavior, especially in battle.”a medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during the raid”synonyms:bravery, braveness, courage, courageousness, valor, pluck, pluckiness, nerve, daring, boldness, fearlessness, dauntlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, manliness, heroism, doughtiness, stout-heartedness, backbone, spine, spirit, spiritedness, mettle, determination, fortitude; More
  2. 2.polite attention or respect given by men to women.synonyms:chivalry, chivalrousness, gentlemanliness, courtliness, graciousness, respectfulness, respect, courtesy, courteousness, politeness, good manners, mannerliness, attentiveness, consideration, considerateness, thoughtfulness”she acknowledged his selfless gallantry
Sing Lion of Judah Protector song. Or play Don't tread on me 2010 on your phone to illuminati underlings sex kitten Veronika.
the final battle against the vaccination dr. gates of hell crew. Rothscar’s minions
Hitler warned us about these international hyenas and we all didn’t believe him or were brainwashed about Hitler all our lives. 

Hitler & the Axis fulfilled rothschilds protocol about killing the masons who knew too much. The Axis put them to death in the camps first.


If Rothscar and his pride of International hyenas can get any wild dog bitch with their mark of the beast pyramid scheme money u gotta be a lion of (the junkion trash world – heaps of electronic crap )– Captain Save the Ho zone…rev 16….hated white knight Christ avatar

The Lion King Conspiracy

The goal of a male lion is to kill as many rival cubs as he can to put females back in heat and then impregnate them. Christ made sacrifice play so all the females made love to and ate the corpse. He told them to drink his blood and eat his body. This was to feed the witches and vampires condemned to the cruel night of ostracization. Hermit’s 9 and witches 2 cast out of society and burned as scapegoats.

it’s all a possibility. the billionaire club haVe everything invested in depopulation and Dr. Strangelove tactics to restart GDP and fuflill Georgia Guidestones. It’s no like it’s written in stone skepdicks? U knoW what i mean?

don’t let the blind lead the blind. i hear of working women freezing eggs. Billions and Billions of sperm in one load of jizz? Will BIll Gates jizz go on NaSDAQ jizz stock market? With Brad Pitt? Putin? Musk? Gates?

these lions of Judah are part ape part lion part fish part bird part snake part pig. they don’t behave like ubermench overthrowing urge to breed to install world religion eschaton & model government. Or install Israel Model Nation.

maybe Bog will give open source sperm market vs genius jizz that working girls buy. the heroes vs the villians. NWO black and white vs black and red. that’s recurring them in hollywood. love the person of color BLack/white NWO….like roddy piper did. Like Spock…like i loved coe messiah from south africa. Nobody can force u2 love each other in prison. If breivik gets playstation the prisoners should get their own network to teach. reverse the prison gulag convert it to school. axis law reads criminology books. only knowledge will keep a criminal from re offending.

Only the pope V was allowed to tell his bird’s eye POV in the dark ages. Lucia broke through as II HP of century of bloodshed. So did Mother Theresa…GIving the dollars 1 by 1 is what made me loved in NYC. IF winchesters house is haunted WT frack u think ST. john divine’s quackafeller cathedral is? all the sick souls wait for christa to heal East Van. To bring mercy. Like JEss katzapolis on full house JOHN stamos MERCY

merciful Bog take away this gangsters paradise

gospa intervened between me and the Joe’s of east van. broke my hand for hurting a Joe….but it was an east van karma attack against a bully…bullied alot of people…hurt alot of people b4 he was hurt

God heals

dio heals

if he can clone u

make u a Red Dwarf Rimmerworld clone army

don’t be upset

u were just not an obsolete design

like these sentient machines begging not to die

1000 year product illumicorp is coming

just need help from hex GF

begging for more mercy than GOAT mendes

no wingman

no hope


fruits of roosh v psalm 15

should tell u women of the oldest battle in the universe

the battle of the sexes

that my sermon brings good fruits

Holy Bog

da crnce slobodu

give the africans freedom

in nomine patre

in the name of the father
