No Lives Matter

her plagues will come in one day, pestilence, grief, and famine….Father Christ’s words

They are in their D.U.M.B. bunkers, the rich, planning on the “Great Cleansing” of the “useless eaters”. That’s the mentality of the 1%.


If they go along with their wicked scheme, the Nuclear Winter, and the great reseeding from Bill Gates’ seed vault, Xenu needs to end this world. Death Star shit…make the planet burn into dust like the WTC on 911.

MAD Max & The Redemption of the Jews

If we nuked the world it wouldn’t be no mad max shit. it would be the 1% hiding underground using their nuetron bombs.nuclear winter for a thousand years..research the neutron bomb and ultimate victory…it would B MAD mutual assured destruction……….the illuminait masonic zionist snake kept us from nuking each other. it used to be a bipolar century last millenium…MAD mutual assured destruction Max.
