Illuminati Symbolism in Max Payne (2008)

Max Payne Detective

Detective Max Payne is a veteran in the Cold Case Unit of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). He is consumed with investigating and finding the murderer of his wife Michelle and their infant child Rose.

Maxy Payne Illuminati

Max Payne is an odd ride through the New York criminal underworld, with hallucinations, Norse mythology, and the occult.

Max Payne Demon Summoning

I admit I’ve never played a Max Payne game but I watched my brother as he played. Max is after Jack Lupino, an insane New York mafia boss. Lupino is Satanic. Max believes he killed his wife and daughter. Lupino is mad from the drug he takes “Valkyr”.

Max Payne Fallen Angels

“I have tasted the flesh of fallen angels!”
―Jack Lupino, 2001.

Max Payne Valkyrie

The Valkyries: Chooser of the Slain

The Valkyries are female warlike virgins, who mounts upon horses and arms themselves with helmets and spears. They decides who will die in a battle. They will hover over the battlefield, like birds over their prey. There will be six, nine, or thirteen Valkyries at a time. They will select among half of those who dies in battle. And then bring them to Valhalla.

The other half will go to the goddess Freya’s afterlife field Folkvangr. Freya always has the first pick, of the fallen Vikings. Odin allows some of the maidens to take the form of beautiful white swans, but if a Valkyrie is seen by a human without her swanlike disguise, she will become an ordinary mortal and can never again return to Valhalla.

Max Payne Ragnarock

Max finds occult books at a nightclub called Ragnarock.

In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is a series of apocalyptic events that will define the end of the world, where giants of frost and fire will together fight the gods in a final battle that will ultimately destroy the planet, submerging it under water. According to the legend, the world will resurface, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.

Max Payne Tarot

Max Payne finds tarot cards in the game. The Death tarot symbolized rebirth. Tarot cards like Death, the Devil, the Tower illustrate scenes from the Apocalypse. The cards were for the illiterate who could not read the book of Revelation. They have their origin in Egypt and Kabbalah.

The word on Lisa Punchinello was that she was a bit of a witch. The tarot cards on the kitchen table fit the picture. They weren’t my kind of cards, but I was willing to take a crack at the hand Mrs. Punchinello had dealt. The first card was The Tower, maybe that was supposed to be the manor. It got easy after that, The Devil was the master of the house.. And Death was me- coming for him.

Max meets Christa Balder. Christa is a female given name, which derives from the Greek word, “Christos”, meaning “anointed” or “chosen one”. Balder is the Norse God who will be reborn after Ragnarock and judge the world. Very similar to Jesus Christ. Christa is overcome with grief for her lost husband just as Balder’s wife Nanna was overcome with grief by his death.

Balder is the son of Odin and Frigg.

Balder has a brother named Hod.

Balder is married to Nanna, they have a son named Forsete.

Balder is the most beautiful and kind of the Aesir, and all in Asgard praises him. Balder means “Lord”. Balder is the wisest of all the Viking gods, well spoken of and the most gentle. But he is plagued by bad dreams that mustn’t come true.

“A bit closer to heaven.”


The Aesir Corporation is a major pharmaceutical company run by Nicole Horne. They are the manufacturers of the illegal drug Valkyr. The organization employs the Punchinello crime family to distribute valkyr on the streets


Max Payne reminds us of our own Ragnarock, the 9/11 attacks and the war in the middle east. After the war Balder will return to rule the New Earth. Mark Wahlberg, who plays Max in the movie cancelled his doomed 9/11 flight. Until a hard boiled detective finds the truth about that day the war will go on. All it takes is one good detective to bring justice to victory.

Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” 2014 Grammy Performance: An Illuminati Ritual


Black Magic

Katy Perry as Semiraums.

Katy Perry’s performance of “Dark Horse” at this year’s Grammys was indeed dark; it was dark, gloomy, ominous, and full of demons and horned beasts.   This song has nothing to do with love or  even sex, as it may seem to imply.  It’s a summoning.  A ritual to bring forth a spirit or demon from the other side.  And that’s no snow globe folks.   That’s a moon.

I recently published an article entitled, The Occult Meaning behind Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse“, where I wrote,

“The following lyrics, I believe, are spoken from the point of view of Semiramus, the first false goddess from Babylon. Today she has many names, over 5,000 to be exact, and one of them is Aphrodite. I imagine Katy Perry was told to write a hit song from the perspective of Semiramus that includes certain vocabulary.  Why not?  She does work for somebody after all.”

Although Semiramus has over 5,0000 names today, she was first and foremost known as the moon goddess.  It’s no wonder then, that Katy comes on stage inside a giant moon surrounded by demons and horned gods.

She is playing the part of Semiramus.  And what does she have to say?

So you wanna play with magic

Boy you should know what you’re fallin’ for

Baby do you dare to do this

Cause I’m comin’ at you like a dark horse

Pouring Potion:ritual

Here we have a couple of guys pouring out an orange, chalky substance around Katy as part of a ritual. Look at those scary beasts in the back. Like I said, this is not about love.

witch brooms

Witchcraft/Black Magic

In the aforementioned article, I suggested that Katy’s dark horse is actually the black horse of the apocalypse who brings global famine – the result of a perfect storm or perhaps the perfect storm itself.  And here’s that horse:

dark horse II

The Black Horse of the Apocalypse

“When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, ‘Come!’ And I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, ‘A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day’s pay. And don’t waste the olive oil and wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6)

The rider of this black horse brings with him or her world-wide famine.  This could be caused by world war and economic collapse, both of which have been manipulated by the elite in the past. A food shortage that spans the globe is a perfect storm that would welcome a false savior, such as the Antichrist, as the solution for mankind.

Are you ready for
Ready for
A perfect storm
Perfect storm
Cause once you’re mine
Once you’re mine
There’s no goin’ back

The most obvious and oldest occult symbol in the performance is the Phoenix rising from the flames.  (Although a Mountain Flame reader pointed out at that this is the cross of the Knight’s Templar).  Here we see it on Katy’s shirt.  To my understanding, Lucifer and the Antichrist, though not one in the same, certainly work together.  One stands behind the other.

katy red cross looks like a bird

The Rising Phoenix/Lucifer

“The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant.” [Bill Schnoebelen, quoted by Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated”, p. 123]


katy immersed in fire again

Katy in the flames


Katy Perry Fire

and more fire symbolism.

Humanity’s first powerful empire to spring up after the great flood was Babylon.  It was here that Satan, along with Nimrod (sun god) and his wife Semiramus (moon goddess) established their mystery occult religion.  Performances such as these symbolize the attempt to bring back this Satanic system on a global scale.  But first they need a perfect storm.  And to them, global war, economic collapse and famine is the perfect storm these unhappy, possessed, bat shit crazy people intend to unleash on our planet.

Rihanna is Isis

Isis was one of the most powerful goddess in the ancient world, she was worshiped as the ideal mother, the mistress of mysteries and magic and the matron of Nature. The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb and Nut the god and goddess of the earth and sky respectively.

Myth of Isis

Isis (pronounced eye’sis), also known as Au Set (“exceeding queen”) and Isis Panthea (“Isis the All-Goddess”), was worshipped in many places including Egypt, the Roman Empire, Greece and Germany. When her beloved Osiris was killed then dismembered and scattered by her brother Set, Isis searched out the pieces and reassembled them. She found all but his penis, which she replaced with one of gold. Through use of her magic and healing arts she brought Osiris back to life then conceived, through his golden penis, the Sun God Horus. When the temples of Isis were turned into Christian churches, Isis with baby Horus on her lap became the Virgin Mary and Jesus.

Message of Isis

Isis is one of the most well known and well loved of all the Goddesses. She is the image of the loving mother who would do anything to keep their child safe and secure. Isis tells you that no matter what our age that there are times when we, too need to be mothered. We may spend a great deal of time caring for others and for events in our lives. This may leave very little time and energy for ourselves. Isis tells you that it is okay to take time to mother yourself. You may need to take time from your life to nurture yourself and to love yourself. Isis says that now is the time for you to take time to mother your own spirit. She wants you to heal yourself. The best way to heal yourself is to give yourself the love and attention that can only come from the love of a mother. Isis says that no one ever outgrows the need to be mothered. No one will ever be able to say they have developed beyond the need for the cradling and the comfort of unconditional love, protection and respect.

A Short Guide to Occult Symbols:“Isis Unveiled”
By Carl Teichrib

Symbols are oracular forms–mysterious patterns creating vortices in the substances of the invisible world. They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant with an awful power, which, when properly fashioned, loose fiery whirlwinds upon the earth. —Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p.356.(Manly P. Hall was one of the most influential occultists of the last century. He was recognized as a leading figure in the quest for mystical knowledge, and is considered one of the greatest Freemasons of the last one hundred years.)

According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, “symbol” can be defined as “a mark or character taken as the conventional sign of some object, idea, function, or process.” The New Age movement and the occult–which, in many ways, are one and the same–have greatly employed the use of symbolism. I find it disturbing that while the historical and contemporary “marks” of occultism can be found throughout our modern culture, we no longer recognize their spiritual implications. However, just because the average person doesn’t know the meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. As Manly P. Hall stated, “They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant with an awful power…” The fact remains, occult symbols have never lost their meaning. Today, New Agers and practitioners of the occult still employ their use, just as mystics have throughout the ages. Part five of this multipart series on occult symbols focuses exclusively on Isis and the cult of the goddess. The reason for this singular look at Isis is simple: throughout history, Isis and various forms of goddess worship has played a significant role in our world’s religious and cultural makeup. Today, goddess veneration is still very much alive and well, and images of the goddess–in various forms–can be identified in every state and province.

Isis: “Queen of Heaven”


Isis is the “divine mother” of ancient Egypt. She was known as the great goddess of magic and “universal nature,” and used her powers to raise her dead (and dismembered) husband Osiris back to life (Osiris was represented as the Sun, he also ruled the underworld). As “Virgin of the World,” Isis birthed Horus, the Egyptian god of the sun and moon, day and night. Metaphorically speaking, Isis is the celestial mother of the Sun (son) of god. It was her son, Horus, who eventually killed Typhon, the Egyptian devil. And, according to legend, Isis–mother of all–remains eternally virgin. She is often portrayed “as the virgin with child,” and is regularly depicted as one crowned with a lunar orb and the horns of a bull. Goddess veneration of the “virgin with child” has been a central belief for various societies throughout history, including some aspects of Christianity. Indeed, many leading occultists see striking parallels between the Mary becomes a “goddess” in the Catholic faith, just as Isis was a goddess in the pantheon of Egyptian deities. And just as Isis was (and still is) called “Mother of the World” and “Queen of Heaven,” so too Mary is now exalted with these same titles. While the Roman Catholic/Isis comparison shows a tangible link between Catholicism and the mystery religions, Mary as Biblically understood shows little connection. Yes, Mary was the virgin mother of Jesus, Son of God, but she never remained a virgin. Mark 6:3 actually lists four of Jesus’ brothers and mentions sisters as well. The Biblical Mary was also sinful. Romans 3:23 makes it clear that “all have sinned”–which would include Mary. The only exception to this rule is found in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:15 is one example among many that attests to Jesus’ sinless character). Nor does the Biblical Mary play a direct role in mankind’s salvation, rather, the Bible makes it clear that Christ’s death and resurrection was a completed act. As Jesus Himself said, “It is finished.” He didn’t say, “It’s finished, subject to the continuing work of Mother Mary.” So how is Isis as a symbol used today? While finding an actual statue of Isis may not be as easy as finding the “all seeing eye,” goddess symbols are prevalent throughout America. The great seal of Virginia features the Roman goddess Virtus. The Statue of Liberty is a goddess representation, with her sun-ray spikes an allusion to the headgear of the Colossus of Rhodes, a monument to the Sun-God Helios (interestingly, Auguste Bertholdi, the creator of the Statue o Liberty, was seeking a commission to construct a giant Isis statue holding a torch overlooking the Suez Canal). From the goddess atop the downtown Indianapolis circle monument to the embossed goddess figures Roman Catholic “Virgin Mary”–the “Queen of Heaven”–and the goddess Isis. And the comparison is startling. Presently, Roman Catholicism holds Mary to be eternally virgin, just as Isis was. Catholicism also contends that Mary was without sin, making her into a type of “god.” In fact, there are some who claim that Mary is the “fourth person” within the Trinity. This belief is linked to Catholicism’s claim that Mary now has a direct say in mankind’s salvation through her (Catholic) role of co-redemption and mediation.


Hence, the elevated upon state and provincial legislative buildings, goddess symbols are well rooted within modern America. And now a group of New Agers has started the “Goddess 2000 Project,” which seeks to have a goddess statue or other depiction “on every block.” Internationally, the Fellowship of Isis–an organization “dedicated to honoring the religion of the Goddess in Her many forms”–has chapters across Germany, the United Kingdom, and the US. It’s global headquarters is located in Clonegal Castle, Ireland. Presently, the Fellowship of Isis offers an entire program of correspondence studies, rites, rituals, prayers and degrees to those wishing to advance within the goddess mystery religions. The secret doctrine of Isis, her mysteries and powers are, according to Manly P. Hall, purposely hid from the average person. According to occult sages, properly understanding the spiritual depths of Isis requires initiation, study, and commitment. Hall explains in The Secret Teachings of All Ages, “…the great spiritual truths hidden from the world by the ignorance of the world, and the keys of the secret doctrines of the ancient philosophers, are all symbolized by the Virgin Isis. Veiled from head to foot, she reveals her wisdom only to the tried and initiated few who have earned the right to enter her sacred presence…” The figure of Isis can also be used to manipulate the black arts. Hall states, “The figure of Isis is sometimes used to represent the occult and magical arts, such as necromancy, invocation, sorcery…” Hall continues by linking Isis and the order of Freemasonry, “In one of the myths concerning her, Isis is said to have conjured the invincible God of Eternities, Ra, to tell her his secret and sacred name, which he did. This name is equivalent to the Lost Word of Masonry. By means of this Word, a magician can demand obedience from the invisible and superior deities.” Obviously, the importance of Isis and the accompanying symbolism of goddess adoration is vital to understanding our society’s obsession with goddess worship and the occult in general. In our attempt as Christians to comprehend the roots of the New Age movement, we must be aware that Satan has tirelessly thrust the deities of ancient Egypt upon mankind for thousands of years. Ultimately though, it doesn’t really matter if “she” is called Isis, Diana, Virtus, Cybele, Rhea, or Mother Mary, the concept is always the same–the lifting up of a pagan goddess as a replacement for the true God. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. — Exodus 20:2-3.