Rihanna & Saint Michael

Daniel 12:1 Michael, the chief of the angels, is the protector of your people, and he will come at a time of terrible suffering, the worst in all of history. And your people who have their names written in The Book will be protected.


My name was supposed to be Mike, but i stole the inheritance from my brother as protector of the Jews in the End Times, like Jacob and Isaac.

Rihanna is not a DEVIL worshipper. She is a Revelation 12 Michael worshipper…wouldn’t hurt you to look it over.

My task is to give Rihanna flying lessons…and to find her a decent boyfriend.

Kylie Minogue’s & Heaven’s Horses

Revelation 19:14 The armies of heaven followed him, mounted on white horses 

Whenever a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (MITT ROMNEY) runs for political office, you might hear talk of a mysterious “White Horse” prophecy.

Paris Son Prophecy

The enemy of my enemy is my friend…New Babylon falling as we speak
Russia and the Slavs are America’s arch enemy…so are the Africans
The only girl i ever loved is part African.


A thousand friends are few; one enemy is too many.
(Russian Proverb)