Revelation 18: The Fall of Babylon

Her sins have reached the heavens

Mozart’s lyrics about Judgement Day:

Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando judex est venturus,
cuncta stricte discussurus.

What terror will there be,
when the lord will come
to judge all strictly!

Liam Gallagher the 9/11 Prophet

Liam is Godlike before he gives his prophecy to Carson Daily on MTV in the year 2000. I think he was reading Revelation 18 before millenium and giving his prediction from what he read. Reading that chapter reminds most people of New York.

Oasis Standing Should of Giants Album Cover

Here is the album cover. You can see the WTC behind the Empire State Building.

WTC Empire

Here is the scene in 2001, one year later. WTC on fire ready to be blown up. Masons built the WTC, I’m sure they had a hand in it’s destruction. They got the idea from the movie Fight Club to wipe out debts on the shmitah.

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