Beyonce’s Ram’s Head Ring

Beyonce Ram's Head Ring

So it turns out Beyonce’s ring is not a Baphomet ring but a Ram’s head ring. I go this message from the jewelry company that gave her the ring:

Hi, We are the jewellery co that gave Beyonce that ring and there is nothing sinister about it at all. It is a rams head covered in black saphires on red gold. Beyonce never asked for it to be made we simply gave it to her as a present for her UK tour.

Hope that clears that up.

Comment by Br Republic — April 26, 2010 @ 3:07 am

This is what I found regarding Ram’s heads on Google:

One may contend that there is a vast difference between a goat and a ram; but, if you research the subject of witchcraft, you’ll learn that BOTH animals are extremely popular in witchcraft.

Some witches today claim that the goat head is really supposed to be a ram’s head (which originated with the ram-headed god of Ammon in ancient times).

It turns out Beyonce isn’t a serious devil worshipper. There are plenty of people who throw up the goat horns with their hands without really being a serious Luciferian. So why does she make the all seeing eye with her hands? I suspect Beyonce and Jay Z are trying to raise “awareness” that the Illuminati run the world. Celebrities are always trying to raise awareness. If Jay Z is a Freemason he would most likely be a member of Prince Hall. Prince Hall is like B’nai B’rith for blacks. It’s where Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton hatch schemes to stop white supremacy.

The Illuminati is a secret society that hides within Freemasonry. I think the Illuminati have already infiltrated Prince Hall. The Illuminati began infiltrating Masonic lodges in 1776. You are only told that Lucifer is the God of this world when you get into the higher degrees of Masonry. What’s funny about that is, that it is in agreement with the bible which also calls Lucifer the ruler of this world.

Beyonce’s Baphomet Ring

Beyonce Baphomet Ring

Check out Beyonce’s Baphomet ring during a performance at Coachella. Has Beyonce sold her soul to the Devil for fame and fortune? No one forced her to sign that recording contract.

Jay Z is rumored to be a master mason and Beyonce rarely talks about God nowadays. Has Beyonce turned to the dark side? She is also wearing a rosary and has a song called Ave Maria on her album. Is Beyonce evil or just quasi-evil? Maybe Beyonce is the margarin of evil. The diet coke of evil. Only one calorie, not evil enough.

Theories on the etymology of the Baphomet are many. To some it is believed to be a corruption of the Moslem prophet “Mahomet” or in English Mohammed. The Templars fought along side Moslem Assassins during their time and it is held that they may have adopted Islamic beliefs. This doesn’t really hold water to anyone familiar with Islam as the religion forbids all forms of idolatry.

Another train of thought is that Baphomet is really a joining of two Greek words meaning absorption into wisdom. In either case the fact remains that the Templars were accused of practicing their initiations and rituals in front of a large idol of the demon Baphomet.

How did this belief come to be? Since King Philip of France sought to own the vast Templar wealth, he along with his puppet Pope Clement V had the Templars captured and tortured. During these tortures they made many confessions, among these, the disclosure that they had worshipped an idol said to be the Baphomet. Were these claims true? Perhaps we’ll never know. Jacques de Molay, who had earlier confessed his and the Templars guilt slowly burned at the stake insisting the order was innocent of all but one offence, that of allowing torture to cause them to lie and confess untruths.