Saving Ariana Rockefeller

Ariana summoned the Lion King when she was 28 (HP FORZA ) to save New York from Bin Laden nuclear fire. I took a trip to St. John the Divine’s Cathedral. Left some marked money.


R&R romulus remus…rockefeller rothschild..R& R…rest relaxation…Royal Rife suppressed XCOM medicine. She named her horse Joe cuz she has hopeless crush on the second Christ.

Royal Rife Suppressed Medicine

Royal Rife is not only suppressed medicine.

If there’s a lesson here, it’s that this idea has been around for a very long time, and in essence, Dr. Rife’s views were essentially confirmed (sans the microscope). That also means something truly depressing, for it also means that a cure or technique was suppressed for almost eighty years, while big pharma and big medicine cut, hacked, sawed, radiated, and chemo-ed people with cures almost as bad as the disease.


The medical conspiracy has Travolta’s face off technology for botched plastic surgery.. They also got Starship troopers regeneration healing. The snakes hide these kinds of wonderland cures.