Kalan Porter’s Destiny

He is 1 of the chosen 4 sure. Kalan Porter is destined to save the world from the starry veks mowing their lawns. Come to Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and eat your dandelion roots. B a survivor.

Will Smith & The Illuminati Goddess Columbia

Will Smith’s family lives in British Columbia. The last of the yeti’s old growth tree portals.

Will Smith save the WOrld

U Just gotta save your family to save the world for real Will. Stop Ned’s lawn mower cutting down cure 4 cancer dandelions.


Sheri is a good friend girl. Talk about Glory Days. C’mon smith. Maitreya is buddha of compassion and sharing. Everyone needs a home. Doesn’t have to be a palace. a million bucks is nothing 2u WS. to sheri it means room for children. Scientology…square footage is most important.


peace to xenu





dona eis requiem
